Warning!Warning!Warning! Use a TTY when upgrading any major DE release

Many people who didn’t use TTY/icewm during the recent Plasma 6 upgrade ended up with half-working systems.

And if you use a TTY and it drops you to the login screen, switch back using CTRL+Alt+F4.
Hope this helped!

And simply watch the chat to not doublepost…

I’m just posting as a heads up so that it will be more visible.

Yeah when I saw the update was the DE I canceled, logged out and updated in a TTY, went perfectly.

I think this is probably where “atomic”/immutables shine, they can update separately in a new snapshot and change to it on next boot. I’m personally not so interested in the immutable concept, just the update in another snaphot thing.

Come to think about it, updating in a separate snapshot and activating on next boot would be interesting for Slowroll (imo).

I’m in agreement with this.

When upgrading TW, I was logged in with an X11 session. During the upgrade (zypper dup in a temrinal window), I was knocked out of the session, the virtual keyboard appeared, the KDE login screen was different, was only offered a Wayland login session, plus 25 or so packages did not upgrade.

I rebooted the desktop into runlevel 3, ran zypper dup again from the text interface (TTY?) and the remaining packages upgraded. Upon a further reboot, everything was fine.

For my separate TW install on a solid state drive, I booted that first into runlevel 3, then proceeded to perform the full upgrade. No problems.