There are these linux users called dreaper and lindenreaper who keep trying to urger windows users to switch to linux insisting that windows is bad(It is in my opinion). But they take it a step forward. They hurdle insults towards windows users and even insult their intelligence and say that losing your job is better than continuing to use windows.
I wonder, why do people like this exist?
Sorry if this seems like a rant, share your experience if you’ve met them before. I’m sure they made windows users more alienated towards linux.
I have not come across these particular people. But I have come across others who rant against Windows. I never saw the need for that.
Diversity is good. We don’t need a mono-culture. It never bothered me that some people preferred Windows, some people preferred Macs and some preferred Linux. There’s room for all.
Basic psychology. There are honestly lots of reasons why, but in essence I would say it is a sort of territorial reflex. (Like a dog barking at the postman )
Maybe that’s their goal, because they’re elitists? idk honestly, have never seen them.
Personally I am glad I can use Linux at my workplace, because I just think that Windows is way too clunky. It’s honestly impressive. At our office some use Windows, some use Mac and some use Linux and we all get along and can work with each other quite comfortably. Thanks to cross-platform standards.