Want to make Gnome desktop look like on KDE

I want to make Gnome desktop look like on KDE, to be more precisely if its possible to make a desktop/home folder like in KDE???

I’m using OpenSUSE 11.3 32bit

On 02/08/2011 08:36 PM, volter wrote:
> I want to make Gnome desktop look like on KDE, to be more precisely if
> its possible to make a desktop/home folder like in KDE???

maybe, but i doubt if can be done by me (or you) it would sure take a
whole lot of fiddling…maybe even change the source code and

but let me ask: if you had a hamburger would you want it to look like
a hot dog?

my opinion: the best, easiest and most effective way to have a desktop
that looks like KDE is to just use KDE…

if you want a hot dog, don’t buy a hamburger…

CAVEAT: http://is.gd/bpoMD
[NNTP posted w/openSUSE 11.3, KDE4.5.5, Thunderbird3.0.11, nVidia
173.14.28 3D, Athlon 64 3000+]
“It is far easier to read, understand and follow the instructions than
to undo the problems caused by not.” DD 23 Jan 11

i want gnome’s system tray/systray-icons in kde4…:expressionless:

i want gnome’s system tray/systray-icons in kde4…

Maybe something like

Gnome Green Icon Pack for KDE KDE-Look.org

Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should :wink:

I want to make Gnome desktop look like on KDE, to be more precisely if its possible to make a desktop/home folder like in KDE???

@volter: I’m not going to ask why, but FWIW read this discussion

[gnome] Want to make GNOME look more like KDE - Ubuntu Forums](http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1129646)

In the process of trying to get plasma-desktop running (part of kdebase4-workspace package), you’ll end up installing a huge chunk of KDE4 stuff anyway, so you may as well install the KDE4 pattern (via yast software installer). Happy playing!

So, how I can install KDE without ruining something? To be able to use my already installed programs - or for KDE I will need to install & configure everything from the beginning?

I like the look of Gnome, but I prefer the flexibility of KDE. Hence I typically clean up my KDE desktops such they look closer to Gnome, but still retain the feel/features of KDE. There is NO NEED to change source code for that.

Thats the beauty of Linux in that we are not forced to choose EITHER a hamburger OR a hot dog, but INSTEAD we can choose a mix if we so desire. Some may dislike a mix, but some of us do.

So, how I can install KDE without ruining something? To be able to use my already installed programs

As oldcpu has mentioned, you’re free to customise your desktop environment how you like. YaST/zypper can be used to install just those components you desire (along with any dependencies that will be installed automatically). So, start with

zypper in kdebase4-workspace

That will result in all thats required to run ‘plasma-desktop’. Follow the advice in the Ubuntu link I provided

– Open up gconf-editor.
– Go to desktop > gnome > session.
– Edit required_components_list and remove panel.

  • Add plasma-desktop to startup applications.

See how that goes.

Reminds me of the two old jokes: How do you make a cat sound like a dog? And vice versa. :slight_smile:

I won’t repeat them here in case animal lovers are offended, so you can do the search on that phrase. It’s the first hit. If you are easily offended that way, don’t search. (I like animals myself, and IMO the jokes are too absurd to be offensive, but you never know.)

Yes , I remember those old jokes (and find them amusing with my black sense of humour…and I’m fond of animals too). I hope the outcome of this dog/cat OS experiment doesn’t require such drastic means though! :stuck_out_tongue:

On 02/09/2011 08:06 AM, volter wrote:
> So, how I can install KDE without ruining something? To be able to use
> my already installed programs - or for KDE I will need to install &
> configure everything from the beginning?

you do NOT have to start over at the beginning (a new or re-install)
instead open YaST, give root password go “Software” (on left) >
“Software Management” (on right) > (wait a second for initialization)
then you see a row of tabs near the top, probably “Search” is active,
change to “Patterns”, a new left side lists opens up, single left
click to place a check mark in “KDE 4 Desktop Environment”, “KDE4 Base
System” [one or more of those two may already be checked, do NOT
uncheck them], then click “Accept” and sit on your hands until YaST
has finished…

then, close all open programs, and during log out select “Log out”
(rather than restart or shutdown) and soon there will be a log in
screen…and, in the lower left corner a place to click on “Session”,
do that and you will see that your ‘default’ desktop is Gnome (which
means it will always boot to Gnome) but you wanna change that to KDE4,
with a click…and then enter you id/password and you should then be
in KDE…

now, you will find that you have to populate the launch bars, and that
kinda thing, but stuff like browser, email client, etc etc that you
used in Gnome will continue to work in KDE…in fact, with both KDE
and GNOME installed you can run all GNOME programs in KDE and vice versa…

you can switch back and forth between KDE and GNOME only by using that
doorway “Sessons” on the log in screen…so, if you boot with an
auto-login you won’t see it, and you will have to do the log out
instead of shutdown/restart trick…

CAVEAT: http://is.gd/bpoMD
[NNTP posted w/openSUSE 11.3, KDE4.5.5, Thunderbird3.0.11, nVidia
173.14.28 3D, Athlon 64 3000+]
“It is far easier to read, understand and follow the instructions than
to undo the problems caused by not.” DD 23 Jan 11

Oh heavens no, that’s not what I want… I guess I meant the Ubuntu Unity systemtray/systemtray icons… that’s what I meant… lol sorry for the confusion…

We have them packaged up with the indicators here only factory though;
Index of /repositories/home:/ketheriel:/ready/openSUSE_Factory

You would need to grab the src rpm and rebuild

Others are here;
Index of /repositories/home:/ketheriel:/ayatana/openSUSE_Factory

Hmmm… very interested in this… do you happen to have a screenie of what it looks like in a KDE environment?

So what packages am I looking for off that repo… the indicator* and notify* packages??

Only the icon themes at present, unity is being worked on and will only work for Factory (AKA 11.4), see the article in tech news;
GNOME:Ayatana available for openSUSE 11.4