Wallpaper changer? Recommendations anyone?

I have just come over from Ubuntu-land, and am really enjoying the openSUSE environment.

However I miss wallch which was the app that would rotate your wallpaper… I have looked and can’t find anything that will rotate your desktop wallpaper in the openSuSE environment.

Any recommendations?

Which desktop??

On 2015-08-29 01:46, zoomiest wrote:
> However I miss wallch which was the app that would rotate your
> wallpaper… I have looked and can’t find anything that will rotate your
> desktop wallpaper in the openSuSE environment.

You will have to say for what desktop.

package search is broken ATM (#503), so I can’t verify walch.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.

(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))

I did have Wallch packaged up for Ayatana, but since has fallen by the way…

Have a look at variety in the X11:Utilities;

Gnome… My apologies. I am using Gnome, 64 bit…

On 2015-08-29 14:36, zoomiest wrote:
> gogalthorp;2726097 Wrote:
>> Which desktop??
> Gnome… My apologies. I am using Gnome, 64 bit…

With gnome 2 I there was a method to use changing wallpapers, with a
configuration file. I don’t use gnome 3, so I haven’t checked if it
still works. And I don’t have access this week to the machine where I
did this. But I can describe how I found it out and what I did, without

I noticed that there was a wallpaper that changed according to the time
of the day: bright during the morning, dark during the night, mellow on
the afternoon.

It is easy to locate the “master” file (.xml?) and deduce the simple syntax.

You can point to your own config file, then have cron change that file
to point to another wallpaper.

What I did was generate an image of the rotating earth, and periodically
touch the config file, which signalled gnome to reload the background image.


Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.

(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))