VPN basic information on how to use with apps

Hello. I subscribe to a email service. I just downloaded the command line VPN app for this service. I can figure it out given time, such as account setup and login.

I need basic info on how to use this VPN service with firefox and other software. I have no experience working with VPNs. This is all new.

Are they something like encrypted network connections like SSL? Even SSL, I have some understanding of it. ??

There are browser-based VPN add-ons, but this reads like a system-wide VPN designed to provide and encrypted link between your device and another network (eg service provider network). As such all internet-bound traffic will be tunnelled regardless of the application in use. Have you signed up to connect to a particular VPN service provider?

This may be of interest to you…

Virtual Private Networks, abbreviated as “VPNs” are now crucial tools for online privacy. In fact, I believe nobody should do anything online, without connecting to a secure VPN first. It basically masks your IP address and changes your location, so that nobody knows what you do online, keeping you anonymous at all times. Since you are a newbie, i think you should try out PureVPN. You can read more about it in this review I acme across from Google. It’s basically a budget friendly service but one that does quite a lot: https://www.bestvpn.co/reviews/purevpn/

I’m signed up for protonmail and get as an extra protonvpn. I have the command line utility. Now, I find out there is a website as well. ??

What is unclear to you?

As Deano mentions,
There can be application extensions that might tie a VPN to a specific application,

From what you said, that you’re launching your VPN by command line
Your VPN will be system-wide.

The convenience of VPN is that it’s a virtual “pipe” that anything and everything can flow through and unless it’s blocked or filtered somewhere a VPN is unrestricted in whatever apps and protocols you’re otherwise using… All will connect through your VPN and receive its benefits until the other end whereupon the individual connection is made to the final destination.

As you might start to see, because VPNs can wrap any kind of app and protocol, it’s very convenient when set up properly because you don’t have to be bothered with settings within individual apps. You can even run encrypted protocols within a VPN (like SSL, SSH, TLS, and even other VPN protocols).

And, should someone try to hack your connection, in general the hacker will see only the other side of the VPN, not the VPN itself or your end.

The drawback to using some apps with a VPN is that part of their security is to consider what they can see as the source of your connection.
So, for example if you use a VPN to access gmail, Google will suddenly see you appear to be in a strange, unusual location around the globe and not in your usual country… And would suspect that you’re actually a hacker in another country breaking into your mail.
Same thing with many financial institutions, they’ll deny your connection if you appear to be somewhere other than where you normally are.

Obviously, Protonmail will be configured to expect your connection through its (and perhaps other) VPN so won’t trigger a denial.


What is the difference between the website login and command line client?

Right now, I did the command ‘protonvpn init’ using, I hope, the right information. I used ‘protonvpn configure’ to enable the kill switch. ‘1>Enable Kill Switch (Block access to/from LAN’.

‘protonvpn c -f’ connect to fastest server.

For a current connection, what does this mean? Do I need exit and restart my browser? I’m connected to the protonmail network that I know.

FYI, currently reading next message - skimmed website, reading more later. Reading proton mail info files.

‘protonvpn s’ status of connection - appears to transferring data to and from.

Load:         73%
Received:     92.14 MB
Sent:         1.91 MB

The former is just for accessing your account info, billing, and VPN client downloads etc. The latter is what you’re currently using to establish a VPN tunnel to one of their servers.

‘protonvpn -c f’: This connects me. One website, doesn’t stall or freeze up regularly. :slight_smile:

‘protonvpn d’: disconnects me.

After the last one, I get a ‘kde wallet’ setup prompt. I try to proceed with pgp. Then it tells me no pgp key available.

Is the protonvpn login info secure?

Why don’t you ask the provider (via their support page) about any concerns you have etc?

Tech support here is great already (yes, complement to opensuse). I’ll ask other question to them.

UDP vs TCP protocal

protonvpn mentions speed. Any real difference? based on experience with any VPN service.

Better security on either?

Here you go…