VNC Suse 11 Numpad / Numlock / Clipboard

Hello All,

I need a little help, not a big issue but it is pissing me off. i configured vnc using the “old sax2” way mentioned in this post: here

Now everything works fine, except the **** numlock doesn’t work when I login or respond to presses it just keeps using the keys as arrows. Does anyone know how to force the numlock to be on when I login?

I am guessing it has to do with the X11.conf and the “rfbkyb” options.

Also copying and pasting from windows to the vnc doesnt seem to work and vice versa, any ideas?

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Copy/paste… in my VNC client if I press F8 I get options to copy my
clipboard back and forth from client to server and vice versa. You may
want to try right-clicking on the vncviewer taskbar in windows if that
is where your client is as that may also give you those options.

Good luck.

chongo2002 wrote:
| Hello All,
| I need a little help, not a big issue but it is pissing me off. i
| configured vnc using the “old sax2” way mentioned in this post: ‘here’
| (
| Now everything works fine, except the **** numlock doesn’t work when I
| login or respond to presses it just keeps using the keys as arrows.
| Does anyone know how to force the numlock to be on when I login?
| I am guessing it has to do with the X11.conf and the “rfbkyb” options.
| Also copying and pasting from windows to the vnc doesnt seem to work
| and vice versa, any ideas?
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I am using tight vnc client and server, the clipboard options are enabled but I have never been able to get them to work either windows to windows or linux to linux or a mix. Do i have a config wrong somewhere?

For anyone that cares I solved all these issues, Even got the background to be stripped off and logging of sessions enabled.

  1. Enable Remote Desktop through Yast, then edit the vnc conf in /etc/xinetd like below; note I have authentication turned off as I tunnel my vnc over ssh.

service vnc2
port = 5900
socket_type = stream
protocol = tcp
wait = no
user = root
server = /usr/bin/x11vnc
server_args = -inetd -o /var/log/x11vnc.log -display :0 -auth /var/lib/xdm/authdir/authfiles/A:0-DwRWQr -users chongo2002 -solid grey
disable = no

To get your auth path execute: “ps wwwaux | grep authps wwwaux | grep auth”

Also make sure x11vnc is installed

Note I am connecting to the console or root display then switching the user (I do this because I leave applications running on my session and need to use them) You can create a new display by creating multiple entries and increasing the port and display number.

Make sure you change the -users to nobody, or a valid user

For a full list of args “x11vnc --help” or x11vnc command line options