Can anyone help please?
My VNC sessions started to hang randomly; sometimes it hangs after few minutes after logging (VNC -> gdm -> KDE), sometimes the session lasts for tens of minutes but it always hangs up at some point. There is no discernible pattern what behavior causes it, it frequently happens after opening Firefox window, or after a brief browsing; when moving Dolphin window, or when opening the Plasma launcher menu.
VNC is practically unusable for me.
This issue started after upgrading to openSuse Leap 15.1 on my home server.
When VNC hangs up, the VNC client does not closes or reports any issue, it is just stay “frozen”, turning into a static picture, a snapshot, of my last activity. Only cursor moves and even keeps the last shape (like when it froze during window move the cursor stays in window moving shape).
The ssh connection is unaffected and I can still use the command line, server is responding; doesn’t look like a network issue.
I use vncmanager configured as per openSuse manual.
$ systemctl status vncmanager
● vncmanager.service - VNC manager
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/vncmanager.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Fri 2019-09-20 18:34:13 BST; 4h 1min ago
Main PID: 1078 (vncmanager)
Tasks: 8 (limit: 4915)
CGroup: /system.slice/vncmanager.service
├─1078 /usr/bin/vncmanager
└─2475 /usr/bin/Xvnc -log *:syslog:30,TcpSocket:syslog:-1 -inetd -MaxDisconnectionTime=5 -securitytypes=none -displayfd 10 -geometry 1024x768 -AllowOverride=Desktop,Acc>
Display manager: gdm
Window manager: KDE Plasma
I tried LightDM recently but it failed to show user logging screen - I will create a separate post about that.
I enjoyed a good VNC service before recently upgrading to 15.1, all on the same hardware and setup.
The leaves no trace in /var/log/messages (yeah, I still use rsyslog).
I cannot find any other vnc or Xorg related log. There is no .xsession-errors error file generated.
I tried restarts, reboots, restarting display manager via systemd - to no avail, the issue is still there.