VNC on 11.1


Anyone manage to get VNC to work on 11.1? I can see the Opensuse screen
that comes up after login but it just hangs there. I edited my vnc
xstart file and added ‘startkde &’. I am using:


vncserver -geometry 800x600 -depth 16 :1



vncviewer myhost:1



eeijlar’s Profile:
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VNC has a bug in openSUSE 11.0 and 11.1 for users of KDE4. Try this
console command to start vncserver:

dbus-start vncserver

There’s a bug report here with more info:

‘Drop in and visit some time’

swerdna’s Profile:
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Thanks for your reply… I tried that command:

dbus-start vncserver

but I am getting:

bash: dbus: command not found

any ideas?



eeijlar’s Profile:
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I have vnc working under openSUSE-11.1 KDE-3.5.10, but not under KDE4.
I spent a fair amount of time on Sunday, connected from Europe to North
America via vnc, maintaining my mother’s openSUSE-11.1 PC in North
America (from my European openSUSE-11.1 PC). [Both PCs are running
KDE-3.5.10 - quite possibly the “best” KDE around (at this time) … ]


oldcpu’s Profile:
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eeijlar;1941647 Wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for your reply… I tried that command:
> dbus-start vncserver
> but I am getting:
> bash: dbus: command not found
> any ideas?
> /jlar
Typo – I meant to say: dbus-launch vncserver

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swerdna’s Profile:
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The computer I am connecting to runs a dual-boot of Windows Xp and
Opensuse 11.1. I connected to both (from OpenSuse 11.0) using the Remote
Desktop Connection tool. RDP to connect to XP and VNC to connect to each
OS. For some reason when I connect to OpenSuse it is really really slow,
but using RDP to connect to XP is really quick. To setup the vnc I did
the following:


dbus-launch vncserver

on the remote host… then in Remote Desktop Connection tool I selected
the remote host VNC.

It should be as quick as XP or even quicker I would have thought.


eeijlar’s Profile:
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eeijlar;1942560 Wrote:
> The computer I am connecting to runs a dual-boot of Windows Xp and
> Opensuse 11.1. I connected to both (from OpenSuse 11.0) using the Remote
> Desktop Connection tool. RDP to connect to XP and VNC to connect to each
> OS. For some reason when I connect to OpenSuse it is really really slow,
> but using RDP to connect to XP is really quick. To setup the vnc I did
> the following:
> >

> > dbus-launch vncserver

> >
> on the remote host… then in Remote Desktop Connection tool I
> selected the remote host VNC.
> It should be as quick as XP or even quicker I would have thought.
There are options you can use to optimise the connection in VNC. Read
man vncserver: ‘TightVNC: Manual Page for vncserver(1)’
man vncviewer: ‘TightVNC: Manual Page for vncviewer(1)’
and even man xorg-x11-Xvnc: ‘TightVNC: Manual Page for Xvnc(1)’

It’s hard to extract the best combinations of options from them. I’m
looking at that but won’t be finished for quite a while, principally
because the bugs for VNC in KDE4/Suse are obscuring the problem for me.

‘Drop in and visit some time’

swerdna’s Profile:
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VNC’s speed is a shame. I went to a lot of trouble getting 11.1 working
in work, and a lot of time rooting with a Perl script to access the VPN,
and now to discover that VNC renders the remote login practically
useless is dissappointing. I am remote logged into XP at the moment and
it’s as if I was at work. It seems that the protocol windows uses is
much faster than VNC. It’s a pity the same protocol isn’t available for


eeijlar’s Profile:
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eeijlar;1942792 Wrote:
> VNC’s speed is a shame. I went to a lot of trouble getting 11.1 working
> in work, and a lot of time rooting with a Perl script to access the VPN,
> and now to discover that VNC renders the remote login practically
> useless is dissappointing. I am remote logged into XP at the moment and
> it’s as if I was at work. It seems that the protocol windows uses is
> much faster than VNC. It’s a pity the same protocol isn’t available for
> Linux.
I’m confused now, too many combinations/permutations. Can you explain
in more detail the slow connection?
For the server: the operating system, the Desktop Environment (kde3,
kde4, gnome), the Desktop Environment being served out, how the server
is invoked/started.
For the client: the operating system, the Desktop Environment, the
client software and how it’s started.

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swerdna’s Profile:
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Ok, here it is:

Note, that the Remote Host is the same machine in both cases running a
dual boot of XP/Suse


Local Host Remote Host
Windows Vista -> connecting to -> Windows XP via RD
Suse 11.0/KDE 4.0 -> connecting to -> Suse 11.1/KDE 4.1 via VNC

Remote Host
To connect Suse. I logged into the Remote Host via SSH, and started the
VNC server using:


dbus-launch vncserver

Local Host*
Started Remote Desktop (graphical version) for Opensuse… selected VNC
as the protocol and then put in the ip of the remoted host and the



Is this wrong… it was the only way that worked. To connect to XP I
simply used remote desktop in Vista.


eeijlar’s Profile:
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eeijlar;1942792 Wrote:
> It seems that the protocol windows uses is much faster than VNC. It’s a
> pity the same protocol isn’t available for Linux.

it’s called XRDP


tom_enos’s Profile:
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I don’t know what is invoked from RDP on the client invoking VNC.
Probably that’s just fine – but there are two VNC versions on openSUSE.
Maybe the VNC viar RDP on the client is different from the VNC on the
server launched by “dbus-launch vncserver” (but I have a sinking feeling
that it’s not different).
Just before giving up maybe try this:
Log ssh to the remote server. Start the dbus-launch vncserver on the
remote server. Log off ssh (to keep it simple). On the client execute
this console command as a normal user:

vncviewer ip-address:2

That cuts out the possibility of two connections concurrently (ssh and
vnc) and the far remote possibility of three (ssh, rdp, vnc).

Fingers xrossed viva Linux!

‘Drop in and visit some time’

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