VMware 6.5.0 install probelms on SLED 10.2 IBM T43 Laptop

Hi Guys

I’m having trouble configuring a recently purchased copy of WMware-Workstation-6.5.0.-118166.i386.rpm for linux. I’ve followed closely the following two guides.

Cool Solutions: How to install VMware 5.0 workstation on SUSE Linux 10.0

Setting up VMware on SUSE Linux - openSUSE

Having installed the rpm file, then extracted the vmware-any-any-update115.tar.gz.tar file, the problem i’ve run into is at the point I run the runme.pl script as outlined in section 6 of the first link and “download and apply vmware-any-any-update” section of the second link.

Instead of recieving the expected script prompts, my machine returns the following:
“Unable to open the installer database /etc/vmware/locations in read-mode
Execution aborted”

I’ve looked for the subdirectories “vmware” and “locations”, these do not exist on my system. I guess these should have been created as part of the rpm install. I’ve also looked for the vmware-config.pl file and can’t find this either. I’m wondering if the rpm is installed correctly.

Any help to install vmware would be appreciated.



  • Alfaholic,

your problem is already being dealt with in the SLED forum on forums.novell.com


Ok, are these two forums moderated by the same people. If so I guess what your saying is if I post on forums.novell.com, there is no point in posting here ??

  • Alfaholic wrote, On 12/31/2008 11:36 AM:
    > Ok, are these two forums moderated by the same people.


> If so I guess
> what your saying is if I post on forums.novell.com, there is no point in
> posting here ??
> :expressionless:

forums.opensuse.org deals with Opensuse only. SLES/SLED are Novell’s Enterprise Linux products, hence the support is on forums.novell.com.
So yes, SLED problems are off-topic on this server.
