vlc player does not play mkv and/or AVI

I am clueless,

I installed vlc player and i am not able to play mkv files
when i used ubuntu, it worked perfectly

upon start i get the error:
vlc does not support H264. Unable to fix that
vlc does not support a52. Unable to fix that

The VLC included with the distribution is ‘crippled’ due to patents and licensing, you’ll need to use VLC from the Packman repository.

Take a peek here;

These kind of threads pop up here at regular intervals.

I don’t understand why the error message says that there is no way to fix that. That is confusing. It should say: “Please install VLC from Packman!” But I guess that would violate rights or whatever. At least the error message could refer you to this Forum. That would be sensible.

made it:cool:

after installation of vlc from packman, i installed all codecs, included:
zypper install vlc-codecs

thank you very much