Few weeks ago after updating vlc player from 1.0.5 to 1.1.4 (now) it stopped disabling screen saver and while watching movies (DVD or file) I have to hit a key or mouse every few minutes because the screen saver goes on.
I had no such problem before. It happen after updating and I’d like to add that I have checked the box ‘Disable screen saver’ in vlc settings.
I run on OpenSuse 11.2, KDE 4.3.5, VLC 1.1.4, kernel Linux x86_64
You’ll find you need to disable the screensaver in system settings, also all powersaving screen options, it’s a minefield of settings.
FYI: The only player I find that does work consistently is smplayer
Previously I did not have to change any settings in the system and I did not change anything after upgrading, so why now?
And if it really minefield I’m not a minesweeper (I only play that game)
Why do you think it’s KDE?
I had the same KDE previously and had no problems with vlc disablig screensaver.
Problem appeared after upgrading vlc.
(I’d like to add that beside screensaver upgraded vlc messes with alsa sound as well - but this is different subject)
thanks for replies
PS. How to edit my signature? I can’t find it in My Profile