[Virtualbox] unable to connect in http


since yesterday upgrade (2024-01-13), i can’t connect to http web site, but i can ping google in my virtualbox windows 11 guest vm on opensuse tumbleweed.

i have no problem in my host computer.

I have no error in virtualbox logs, journalctl.

i disable the antivirus file.

I have this error in windows logs but this don’t seems convinient:

I don’t understand where the problem is, but this seems to come from the last update.

Does anyone have the same problem ?

Dependend on the used browser, access to http sites is blocked. Check your browser settings.


thank you for your response, https is blocked too.

some tools like chocolatey don’t work too.


There is a troubleshouting with windows 11 24H2 (windows 11 24H2 error, i didn’t answer this for my case, because i didn’t install it.
But i install a windows defender update today, maybe ?



I tested on new vm with windows and linux, it’s work, so this is a windows problem that i can’t explain.

I will try some tricks, if it don’t work i’ll reinstall.

OK this was the proxy configuration with virtualbox which was obsolete.
I don’t know why this didn’t work now, and work until know.

I just used the default configuration, and it’s worked !



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