virtualbox not starting

After a fairly recent update to TW all of my vbox instances crash on
startup. Starting them from a command line session dies immediately with
this error message:

/usr/lib/virtualbox/VirtualBox --comment “LEAP” --startvm “ee8e7da2-
VirtualBox: Error -1908 in suplibOsInit!
VirtualBox: Kernel driver not installed

VirtualBox: Tip! Make sure the kernel module is loaded. It may also help
to reinstall VirtualBox.
will@will-HP-laptop:~> malloc_consolidate(): invalid chunk size
KCrash: Application ‘VirtualBox’ crashing…


Forced re-install does not help - same result. Any suggestions about how
to get this mess back up and running would be welcome.

Like it says – the Kernel driver and other modules aren’t loaded …

 > lsmod | grep -i 'box'
vboxnetadp             28672  0
vboxnetflt             32768  0
vboxdrv               524288  2 vboxnetadp,vboxnetflt

Make sure that, you have the “virtualbox-kmp-default” package installed and, that the following files are present on the machine:

 > rpm -ql virtualbox-kmp-default

He is running Tumbleweed not 15.2 - the has to be on an older kernel for Virtualbox to work - code in the 5.9 kernel that is needed for Virtualbox has been removed.

Please post:

zypper se -si virtualb kernel
uname -a
zypper lr -d

Thanks my issue has been resolved

OK – but, how?

  • We’re quite curious about such issues.

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