I am very new to openSuse and I am trying to get it running in VirtualBox with a Windows Vista host (bleh). Well, I installed it and everything seemed to go smooth. However, when I tried to install the Guest Additions I get the following message:
linux-u8j8:/media/VBOXADDITIONS_1.5.4_27034 # sh VBoxLinuxAdditions.run
Verifying archive integrity… All good.
Uncompressing VirtualBox 1.5.4 Guest Additions for Linux installation…
VirtualBox 1.5.4 Guest Additions installation
Building a test kernel module failed. See the log file /var/log/vboxadd-install.log
for more details.
Problems were found which would prevent the Guest Additions from installing.
Please correct these problems and try again.
Building a test kernel module failed. See the log file /var/log/vboxadd-install.log for more details.
From that, I am guessing that you do not have the kernel headers installed for the linux you have installed on that virtual machine.
Use yast:
yast—>software—>software management
When the panel containing the search box comes up, enter “kernel-headers” [without the quotes] and click on “search”
If the entry that is found is not selected, the select it and click “accept”
Checked both, installed what was missing and it still didn’t work. Thought maybe I needed to reboot but I am still getting the same message. What next?
I had the same problem when I followed the directions you referenced. When I installed kernel-source and kernel-syms using the YaST package selection GUI.( I selected Patterns at the bottom, found Linux Kernel Development and selected kernel-source and kernel-syms and installed them.) When I executed ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run as root, it worked. I also couldn’t install just the headers as I did with Ubuntu and had to load the entire 254Mb package. But all’s well…
Had the same issue with vmware once after a kernel upgrade. The problem was the instruction to install kernel-headers, which as I understand are not the “full” headers the compiler needs. I had to install kernel-headers, a much larger download. No problems with Vbox OSE/OS11 with standard (DVD release) kernel.
I have HOST=winxp GUEST=SUSE11.0. i added OBS VirtualBox for latest in GUEST-TOOLS. I am still not getting seamless mode, and fluid mouse (where you DO NOT have to press CTRL). HOST=Winxp has Virtualbox 2.0.0 and SUSE guest-tools is 2.0.2. I would prefer not to install vboxadditions.sh from SUN. Ought not the suse one’s to work?? If not, what’s the point of them being there?
sorry for not beeing of help but having some more questions on this topic myself!
I just installed openSUSE 11.1 Beta5 with a Gnome desktop from a LiveCD image as a guest in a Virtual Box 2.0.4 VM running on a Kubuntu 8.10 host. Unfortunately installing the Guest Additions turned out to be a total pain as the guest didn’t react to my USB mouse so I tried to install them by keyboard only.
A welcome popup I couldn’t focus/close with the keyboard took about 20% of the screen. (No Alt+Tab, Alt+F4, Alt+Ctrl+Tab, Esc…) Which meant I couldn’t close it at all, which meant it stayed there the whole time…
Ctrl+Alt+F1-6 send me to a terminal on the host though Virtual Box had “cought” all other input before. Is there another way?
Well, I tried to work around this *** welcome popup in a Gnome terminal to mount the CD which didn’t automount only to find out afterwards I’m anyway to dumb/inexperienced in using the openSUSE cli tools to activate the apropriate repository and pick the right packets. (My 1st time experience with openSUSE - no “gksudo”/“gksu” in openSUSE btw?)
It took me 20 min then to keyboard-fiddle in the graphical tools in spite of the popup. The result were 700MB of packages to install as a result of checking “kernel-source” and “kernel-syms” and “gcc”. Really? I thought I had mispicked something, hit “abort”, which froze the process and wrecked the filesystem
I’d be just too pleased if anyone had some advice on the above or some other best practice on how to befriend a virtual openSUSE as a newbie without a mouse.
sorry for not beeing of help but having some more questions on this
topic myself!
I just installed openSUSE 11.1 Beta5 with a Gnome desktop from a LiveCD
image as a guest in a Virtual Box 2.0.4 VM running on a Kubuntu 8.10
host. Unfortunately installing the Guest Additions turned out to be a
total pain as the Guest didn’t react to my USB mouse so I tried to
install them by keyboard only.
A welcome popup I couldn’t focus/close with the keyboard took about
20% of the screen. (No Alt+Tab, Alt+F4, Alt+Ctrl+Tab, Esc…) Which ment
I couldn’t close it at all, which ment it stayed there the whole
Ctrl+Alt+F1-6 send me to a terminal on the host though Virtual Box
had claimed to have “cought” the input. Is there another way?
Well, I tried to work around this *** welcome popup in a Gnome
terminal to mount the CD which didn’t automount only to notice
afterwards I’m anyway to dumb/inexperienced in using the openSUSE cli
tools to activate the apropriate repository and pick the right packets.
(My 1st time experience with openSUSE - no “gksudo”/“gksu” in openSUSE
It took me 20 min then to keyboard-fiddle in the graphical tools in
spite of the popup. The result were 700MB of packages to install for
checking “kernel-source” and “kernel-syms” and “gcc”. Really? I thought
I had mispicked something, hit “abort”, which froze the process and
wrecked the filesystem
I’d be just too pleased if anyone had some advice on 1-4 or some other
best practice on how to befriend openSUSE as a newbie without a mouse.