VirtualBox Cannot start a virtual machine

Greetings All,

I am unable to start any virtual machine using VirtualBox.

The message is:

*The virtual machine ‘MyWin7-64’ has terminated unexpectedly during startup with exit code 1 (0x1).

Result Code: NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)
Component: MachineWrap
Interface: IMachine {85632c68-b5bb-4316-a900-5eb28d3413df}*

This happens on existing or new Virtual Machines.

I have tried re-installing VirtualBox, but the error persists.

Using SUSE 15.2 on an AMD Rhyzen CPU.


Richard Rosa


zypper se -si virtualbox kernel
uname -a

zypper se -si virtualbox kernel
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S  | Name                             | Type    | Version                             | Arch   | Repository
i+ | devel_kernel                     | pattern | 20170319-lp152.6.3                  | x86_64 | Main Repository
i+ | devel_kernel                     | pattern | 20170319-lp152.6.3                  | x86_64 | Main Repository
i+ | kernel-default                   | package | 5.3.18-lp152.47.2                   | x86_64 | openSUSE:Leap:15.2:Update
i+ | kernel-default                   | package | 5.3.18-lp152.47.2                   | x86_64 | Main Update Repository
i+ | kernel-default                   | package | 5.3.18-lp152.44.1                   | x86_64 | openSUSE:Leap:15.2:Update
i+ | kernel-default                   | package | 5.3.18-lp152.44.1                   | x86_64 | Main Update Repository
i  | kernel-default-devel             | package | 5.3.18-lp152.47.2                   | x86_64 | openSUSE:Leap:15.2:Update
i  | kernel-default-devel             | package | 5.3.18-lp152.47.2                   | x86_64 | Main Update Repository
i  | kernel-default-devel             | package | 5.3.18-lp152.44.1                   | x86_64 | openSUSE:Leap:15.2:Update
i  | kernel-default-devel             | package | 5.3.18-lp152.44.1                   | x86_64 | Main Update Repository
i  | kernel-devel                     | package | 5.3.18-lp152.47.2                   | noarch | openSUSE:Leap:15.2:Update
i  | kernel-devel                     | package | 5.3.18-lp152.47.2                   | noarch | Main Update Repository
i  | kernel-devel                     | package | 5.3.18-lp152.44.1                   | noarch | openSUSE:Leap:15.2:Update
i  | kernel-devel                     | package | 5.3.18-lp152.44.1                   | noarch | Main Update Repository
i  | kernel-firmware                  | package | 20200107-lp152.1.1                  | noarch | Main Repository
i  | kernel-firmware                  | package | 20200107-lp152.1.1                  | noarch | Main Repository
i  | kernel-macros                    | package | 5.3.18-lp152.47.2                   | noarch | openSUSE:Leap:15.2:Update
i  | kernel-macros                    | package | 5.3.18-lp152.47.2                   | noarch | Main Update Repository
i  | kernel-preempt                   | package | 5.3.18-lp152.47.2                   | x86_64 | openSUSE:Leap:15.2:Update
i  | kernel-preempt                   | package | 5.3.18-lp152.47.2                   | x86_64 | Main Update Repository
i  | kernel-preempt-devel             | package | 5.3.18-lp152.47.2                   | x86_64 | openSUSE:Leap:15.2:Update
i  | kernel-preempt-devel             | package | 5.3.18-lp152.47.2                   | x86_64 | Main Update Repository
i  | kernel-preempt-devel             | package | 5.3.18-lp152.44.1                   | x86_64 | openSUSE:Leap:15.2:Update
i  | kernel-preempt-devel             | package | 5.3.18-lp152.44.1                   | x86_64 | Main Update Repository
i  | kernel-source                    | package | 5.3.18-lp152.47.2                   | noarch | openSUSE:Leap:15.2:Update
i  | kernel-source                    | package | 5.3.18-lp152.47.2                   | noarch | Main Update Repository
i  | kernel-source                    | package | 5.3.18-lp152.44.1                   | noarch | openSUSE:Leap:15.2:Update
i  | kernel-source                    | package | 5.3.18-lp152.44.1                   | noarch | Main Update Repository
i  | kernel-syms                      | package | 5.3.18-lp152.47.1                   | x86_64 | openSUSE:Leap:15.2:Update
i  | kernel-syms                      | package | 5.3.18-lp152.47.1                   | x86_64 | Main Update Repository
i  | kernel-syms                      | package | 5.3.18-lp152.44.1                   | x86_64 | openSUSE:Leap:15.2:Update
i  | kernel-syms                      | package | 5.3.18-lp152.44.1                   | x86_64 | Main Update Repository
i  | nfs-kernel-server                | package | 2.1.1-lp152.9.6.1                   | x86_64 | openSUSE:Leap:15.2:Update
i  | nfs-kernel-server                | package | 2.1.1-lp152.9.6.1                   | x86_64 | Main Update Repository
i+ | patterns-devel-base-devel_kernel | package | 20170319-lp152.6.3                  | x86_64 | Main Repository
i+ | patterns-devel-base-devel_kernel | package | 20170319-lp152.6.3                  | x86_64 | Main Repository
i  | purge-kernels-service            | package | 0-lp152.4.1                         | noarch | Main Repository
i  | purge-kernels-service            | package | 0-lp152.4.1                         | noarch | Main Repository
i  | texlive-l3kernel                 | package | 2017.133.svn44483-lp152.7.2         | noarch | Main Repository
i  | texlive-l3kernel                 | package | 2017.133.svn44483-lp152.7.2         | noarch | Main Repository
i  | texlive-l3kernel-doc             | package | 2017.133.svn44483-lp152.7.2         | noarch | Main Repository
i  | texlive-l3kernel-doc             | package | 2017.133.svn44483-lp152.7.2         | noarch | Main Repository
i+ | virtualbox                       | package | 6.1.14-lp152.2.5.1                  | x86_64 | openSUSE:Leap:15.2:Update
i+ | virtualbox                       | package | 6.1.14-lp152.2.5.1                  | x86_64 | Main Update Repository
i+ | virtualbox-host-source           | package | 6.1.14-lp152.2.5.1                  | noarch | openSUSE:Leap:15.2:Update
i+ | virtualbox-host-source           | package | 6.1.14-lp152.2.5.1                  | noarch | Main Update Repository
i  | virtualbox-kmp-default           | package | 6.1.14_k5.3.18_lp152.41-lp152.2.5.1 | x86_64 | openSUSE:Leap:15.2:Update
i  | virtualbox-kmp-default           | package | 6.1.14_k5.3.18_lp152.41-lp152.2.5.1 | x86_64 | Main Update Repository
i  | virtualbox-kmp-preempt           | package | 6.1.14_k5.3.18_lp152.41-lp152.2.5.1 | x86_64 | openSUSE:Leap:15.2:Update
i  | virtualbox-kmp-preempt           | package | 6.1.14_k5.3.18_lp152.41-lp152.2.5.1 | x86_64 | Main Update Repository
i  | virtualbox-qt                    | package | 6.1.14-lp152.2.5.1                  | x86_64 | openSUSE:Leap:15.2:Update
i  | virtualbox-qt                    | package | 6.1.14-lp152.2.5.1                  | x86_64 | Main Update Repository
i  | virtualbox-websrv                | package | 6.1.14-lp152.2.5.1                  | x86_64 | openSUSE:Leap:15.2:Update
i  | virtualbox-websrv                | package | 6.1.14-lp152.2.5.1                  | x86_64 | Main Update Repository

uname -a
Linux rubberducky.rbm 5.3.18-lp152.47-preempt #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Oct 15 16:05:25 UTC 2020 (41f7396) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Install once more and restart:

zypper in -f virtualbox-kmp-preempt

Thanx, but still no joy.

Here is what I did:

  Removed Virtualbox. (Using YAST GUI)
  Reinstalled VirtualBox (Using YAST Gui)

 (commands as root)
  zypper in -f virtualbox-kmp-preempt
      (zypper reported already installed)
  chmod 4750 /usr/lib/virtualbox/VirtualBoxVM
  zypper install virtualbox-host-source kernel-devel kernel-default-devel

Same error.

VirtualBox WAS working back in June when I installed 15.2. This is the first time since then that I have tried to use it.
Something new has been added since then…

Richard Rosa

Closed for the Moment.

Reopened and moved to Virtualization.

chmod 4750 /usr/lib/virtualbox/VirtualBoxVM
zypper install virtualbox-host-source kernel-devel kernel-default-devel

Why do you do that?

Because VirtualBox would not start without these actions.

Pop-Up when starting indicated that permissions were wrong.
After permission change, pop-indicated that /sbin/vboxconfig was needed.
That in turn needed the install of the devel libraries.

Richard Rosa

Just open a terminal and type - I have no idea what you are attempting to start - this is how I start it from a terminal.

nohup VirtualBox &

Solved the problem (or at least worked around it).

Uninstalled VirtualBox from the SUSE repositories.

Downloaded and installed version 6.1 (EL6 build) from Oracle’s web site.

Virtual machines are now working again…

Thanx to all for your assistance.

Richard Rosa

Although maybe not helpful for the actual reason - but I encountered similar issues when I tried to use MariaDB from opensuse repo - I wasn’t able to use it with my Apache James 3.x. After changing from opensuse repo to repo all worked without issues. I also had a topic started about that and, reading this, still think that for what ever reason some opensuse packages are modified in some way which contain some incompatible changes - which in some cases end up in software not working as expected when installed from opensuse repos which “magically” can be fixed just by using external repos (often from original vendor if such are provided).

Did you think to check the VirtualBox extension pack?

 > VBoxManage list extpacks
Extension Packs: 1
Pack no. 0:   Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack
Version:      6.1.14
Revision:     140239
Description:  Oracle Cloud Infrastructure integration, USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 Host Controller, Host Webcam, VirtualBox RDP, PXE ROM, Disk Encryption, NVMe.
VRDE Module:  VBoxVRDP
Usable:       true 
Why unusable: 

Recently, I’ve had the extension packs that had to be managed by means of “VBoxManage extpack install / uninstall / cleanup” …

I had the same issue on my Leap 15.2.
Same symptoms - same solution.

Unfortunately I was unable to detect and resolve the root cause. I would have preferred to keep anything under packaging control.
With the EL6 installer this is no longer the case, but I had to get my VMs back into a working state.
