I have searched pretty much everywhere to get this fixed. Here’s what I did: I had VirtualBox OSE installed and running flawlessly. But then I wanted USB support and I learned that OSE doesn’t support it and I had to install the closed source edition of virtual box. Well I uninstalled VirtualBox OSE and installed the RPM from the Virtualbox site. Here’s the error I got when trying to install it:
Package /home/travis/Desktop/VirtualBox-2.0.2_36488_openSUSE11-1.i586.rpm could not be installed.
I’m sure I uninstalled it, because it’s not checked in Yast. There is one virtualbox checkmarked check I have tried to uninstall it multiple times, but no luck. I figured it must be the closed source install, that I’m trying to install. It may not be configured right or something.
Anyways, if someone could help I would appreciate it greatly.
Sometimes you have to go down to the CLI to see what’s happening. Chances are it’s already installed but you are missing some dependencies needed to build the vboxdrv module.
Open up a terminal and become root:
su -
Then run this command:
rpm -q VirtualBox
If it’s installed, then run:
/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup
It’s pretty certain that this will fail. You need to install these packages: pam_devel, gcc, make, and kernel-source (using YaST is one method), and then retry that last command until it succeeds. It will take a while to compile the module.
Make sure that the version of kernel-source matches the running kernel. If you have subscribed to the update repo this should be the case.
And make sure you are in the group vboxusers so that you can run VirtualBox.
I installed all those packages and tried to recompile the virtual box kernel again and it still fails:
linux-aca7:~ # /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup
Stopping VirtualBox kernel module done
Recompiling VirtualBox kernel module failed
(Look at /var/log/vbox-install.log to find out what went wrong)
I looked at the log file (vbox-install.log) and this is what it said:
/etc/init.d/vboxdrv: line 255: /usr/share/virtualbox/src/build_in_tmp: No such file or directory
I even tried to install it with the rpm again, no luck either.
You didn’t say if the Sun version of VirtualBox was installed. That directory belongs to that package and should have been created. Please do that step again and don’t skip steps in instructions:
Name : VirtualBox Relocations: (not relocatable)
Version : 2.0.2_36488_openSUSE11 Vendor: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Release : 1 Build Date: Fri Sep 12 12:34:59 2008
Install Date: Wed Oct 8 21:19:56 2008 Build Host: tinderdeb.intra-innotek.de
Group : Applications/System Source RPM: VirtualBox-2.0.2_36488_openSUSE11-1.src.rpm
Size : 63942064 License: VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation License(PUEL)
Signature : (none)
URL : VirtualBox
Summary : Powerful PC virtualization solution
Description :
VirtualBox is a powerful PC virtualization solution allowing
you to run a wide range of PC operating systems on your Linux
system. This includes Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, DOS, OpenBSD
and others. VirtualBox comes with a broad feature set and
excellent performance, making it the premier virtualization
software solution on the market.
Distribution: (none)
where that long-named file is the RPM package you downloaded. Then go back and retest those steps in my previous post, and if they pass, then go ahead to do the setup step.