Videos no longer play

I’m running 32 bit openSUSE 11.4, and recently ran zypper up. Now many
videos don’t play any more. For instance, on youtube, this one just
gives me a black screen in the video area - no play/stop controls and
the video never starts:

Actually, most fail to play. I stumbled across one earlier that played,
but now I can’t find any that will play.

They fail in Firefox, Opera and Konqueror.

I have an nVidia 5200 graphics card, running NVIDIA 173.14.31 (which
I’ve been running for months.)

I think it’s probably flash that’s busted. Going to adobe’s flash site
I don’t get the usual flash demo that shows it’s installed and working.

Here’s what zypper sees:

mkm@orca:~> zypper se flash
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S | Name                | Summary
| Type
i | flash-player        | Adobe Flash Plugin and Standalone Player
| package
| flash-player        | Adobe Flash Plugin and Standalone Player
| srcpackage
i | flash-player        | flash-player security update
| patch
| flash-player-gnome  | Adobe Flash Plugin and Standalone Player
Settings                  | package
i | flash-player-kde4   | Adobe Flash Plugin and Standalone Player
Settings                  | package
| flashrom            | A universal flash programming utility
| package
i | pullin-flash-player | Placeholder for Adobe Flash PlugIn
| package
| pullin-flash-player | Placeholder for Adobe Flash PlugIn
| srcpackage
i | pullin-flash-player | pullin-flash-player: Trigger installation of
openSUSE flash player | patch

Anyone else seeing this? Anything to do about it?



Kevin Miller -
Juneau, Alaska
In a recent survey, 7 out of 10 hard drives preferred Linux
Registered Linux User No: 307357,

You may want to tell us which flash package version you have installed

rpm -qa |grep flash

Just an idea (workaround): You could try disabling the hardware acceleration for flash. Right-click on any flash video, select “Settings”, select the ‘Display’ tab, and uncheck “Enable hardware acceleration". See how that goes.

Either roll back flash or disable Hardware Acceleration

On 04/03/2012 08:36 PM, deano ferrari wrote:
> You may want to tell us which flash package version you have installed
> Code:
> --------------------
> rpm -qa |grep flash
> --------------------
> Just an idea (workaround): You could try disabling the hardware
> acceleration for flash. Right-click on any flash video, select
> “Settings”, select the ‘Display’ tab, and uncheck “Enable hardware
> acceleration". See how that goes.

mkm@orca:~> rpm -qa | grep flash

Right clicking on the video area (youtube) doesn’t display any Settings
menu items.

Kevin Miller -
Juneau, Alaska
In a recent survey, 7 out of 10 hard drives preferred Linux
Registered Linux User No: 307357,

If you right click a flash player screen > settings

Try a different site with flash like a news channel or BBC

On 04/03/2012 09:46 PM, caf4926 wrote:
> If you right click a flash player screen> settings
> Try a different site with flash like a news channel or BBC

Rolled back to an earlier. It deinstalled flash-player-kde4 but no
matter. Not sure what the fallout of that is, but videos seem to work again.

Thanks much…

Kevin Miller -
Juneau, Alaska
In a recent survey, 7 out of 10 hard drives preferred Linux
Registered Linux User No: 307357,

Rolled back to an earlier. It deinstalled flash-player-kde4 but no
matter. Not sure what the fallout of that is, but videos seem to work again.

You can live without it
It will probably get pulled back in when you update flash next

How do you roll back? Every 3rd web page says “Flash plug-in crashed!” since the “zypper refresh/up” last Friday … (12.1 x86_64 Asparagus, and looks like FF11 now.)

From Caf4926’s advise:
It’s not that different if you use GNOME.

Though I don’t know very well how to do it in console…

Ah, that’s blocked by my work firewall, no wonder I didn’t see it.

Thanks, I successfully rolled back flash and kde-flash, that seems to have solved the constant flash crashes in FF11.