VIDEO_TS.IFO not found with vlc or kaffeine


some dvd’s don’t work with vlc or kaffeine when I select ‘open disc’.

Here the log from vlc:

libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.10 for DVD access
libdvdnav:DVDOpenFileUDF:UDFFindFile /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO failed
libdvdnav:DVDOpenFileUDF:UDFFindFile /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.BUP failed
libdvdread: Can't open file VIDEO_TS.IFO.
[0xe0b700] main input error: open of `dvdsimple:///dev/dvd' failed: (null)

vlc means that on my dvd is no /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO and /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.BUP. However they are on the dvd, but uncapitalised(/video_ts/video_ts.ifo).

Seems this is one of very view disadvantages of a case sensitive OS.

Has anyone an idea how I could tell vlc or kaffeine(xine) how to deal with that? I don’t want to burn all my dvd’s again with capitalised entries.

regards, odesu

Did you install Restrict Formats Codecs? if not, do by here:

Restricted formats - openSUSE Community Wiki

Hi alexdbars,

thanks for reply. I have all of this installed. That is not the problem.

Perhaps you can give me another suggestion?

regards, odesu

Out of curiosity, I copied a VCD to my hard drive and uncapitalized the files.

VLC will open with “Open Folder…”
Kaffeine appears to support opening only single files but won’t recognize the folder and its contents as a VCD.

But, it looks like a different module is used to read from the optical player by default than what is used to open folders.

Have you tried using the VLC “Open Folder…” against your problem disk? Looks like that should work.


Just a bit of background information; Using opensuse 11.2
All the DVD files I have created with qdvdauthor give file names in capitals
When I then burn with K3B it places them in folders named with capitals.

Regards john