v13.1->13.2 upgrade fail, need some advise

Trying to upgrade v13.1 KDE to v13.2 prior to installing Leap.
I had some issues with the DVD upgrade and in process of trying to go back to v13.1 to try again I bollixed my boot partition which contains all except swap & home.

So I decided to do straight install of 13.2 and ran into another problem.

I booted using v13.2 Live dvd, chose Installation (I do have the full 13.2 dvd but have not tried that for ‘install’ because suspect below problem would still exist).

Installing to 20gb partition, accepted defaults, format to btrfs, create subvolumes for opt, usr, and other dir’s. Home is on it’s own partition and so far untouched. Accepted suggested boot loader location of MBR. I am not using UEFI. I have forgotten if my prior boot loader was in the MBR to begin with or in boot partition.

Last messages onscreen after saving system configuration is:

Install Boot Manager

  • Saving bootloader configuration …

popup box sez:
an error occurred during boot loader installation, Retry Boot loader Configuration?

Click Yes gives Boot Loader Settings which shows grub2, boot from mbr selected. I note that there is no checkmark in “write generic code to MBR” which I think may solve my problem but wish to receive advise before making this change.

There is no other OS on my disk.

Would appreciate some advise on proceeding. Since I am creating a new install rather than upgrade it occurs to me that perhaps I should abandon this 13.1 -> 13.2 install and just do an install of Leap, preserving my /home partition. But I suspect I still may run into this same problem.

thanks, Jon

Replying to myself, did install of Leap and no problem with boot manager install, using default options.