I have a Lenovo T530 with integrated graphics and a Nvidia NVS 5400M. I added the Nvidia repository, followed this guide to try and enable nvidia using optirun. When running optirun I am able to make Nvidia-settings work, but benchmarks such as phoronix and Unigine Heaven still only see the intel graphics. So in BIOS, I switched from Nvidia Optimus to Descrete Graphics, but in GNOME details, it still says I am using Intel® Ivybridge Mobile. I do not care about power usage (although won’t complain if I can MANUALY switch between graphics.) HOW DO I SWITCH TO MY NVIDIA CARD?>:(
UPDATE: Discovered BIOS automatically switched to Nvidia Optimus if operating system supports it. I disabled this option and switched back to discrete graphics, but now on boot all I get is either a black screen, or sometimes I get the login screen but cannot move my mouse or use ctrl+alt+f1 to switch to terminal. With both options, the only thing I can do is a hard shutdown.
Discrete GPU means you are default running the NVIDIA chip not the Intel onboard GPU. You probably need the NVIDIA driver. The Optimus on default should default to Intel.