usb mouse stuck

hi, i still got a strange problem with my usb mice…
after 1 min to 1 hour running my opensuse os, my mouse gets stuck.
i already used another usb mouse=> same problem.
but the keyboard works fine, at the same time.
when my mouse gets stuck im also unable to open the console or shutdown my pc. trying this makes my pc crash.
strange thing is: when i plug in a ps2 mouse, it works fine.
i never had this bug when i used windows.
i tried ubuntu: same problem. so i think its a linux kernel problem. any ideas?..
my hardware :
asus p5nsli mainboard
nvidia geforce 7900 gtx xt
2gig corsair ddram
usb-mice: razer copperhead, logitech mx 518

Are you using an USB hub?

I’ve been using an USB hub lately and noticed that my mouse sometimes stopped responding. Didn’t directly associate the behavior with the USB hub as I had it in use for like a week without the problem.
Hooking up the devices directly avoids the problem.
Even if you aren’t using an USB hub, the motherboard might be, so if you got other ports available try different ports.

I however did not have the entire OS coming to a halt… so all my advice might be void as you probably have an entirely unrelated problem.

no, i dont use an usb hub.
using other usb ports doesnt help!
this problem suxx. surfing the internet, i found many other people having the same problem, but no solution. i think, this quite a popular bug, which nobody cares about…
n1, i will have to use windows again, ty

> think, this quite a popular bug, which nobody cares about…

my GUESS is that it is a bug which NO ONE has reported…

have you checked to see if this bug is logged?

if you do not report it then it might REMAIN unfixed forever (if all
the others with the problem also don’t log it in)…
