usb flash no automount

My usb memory stick does’nt automount. I can mount only manualy. Why ?
My config :
openSUSE 11.4 64 bits
Processor (CPU): Intel(R) Core™ i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67GHz

My usb memory stick does’nt automount. I can mount only manualy. Why ?
My config :
openSUSE 11.4 64 bits
Processor (CPU): Intel(R) Core™ i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67GHz

Normally, when you plug in a USB thumb drive, you should see something come up in the Device Notifier. It looks like a USB symbol down in the icon tray on the bottom right of KDE. You can select it with your mouse at anytime and see whats there. Select the thumb drive or hard disk drive with your mouse and elect to open it with Dolphin for instance and then is when it gets mounted. Before then, its just known to be there, ready to be mounted for use by something but not yet mounted. A manual mount will override this behavior.

Thank You,

did you install from that stick or with that stick inserted in a usb slot??

if you did, it might be listed in /etc/fstab, and being listed there it
will block automount…in any event check you your /etc/fstab and make
sure it is not listed…once it is not, and after a boot without it
inserted, see if it will automount…and, be sure and right click on the
device and mark it to safe remove, and remove it prior to shutdown…

if it all worked great for months and suddenly stopped working as you
expect, tell us what changed (updates, kernel, version, desktop, what?)

let us know how you get on…

openSUSE®, the “German Automobiles” of operating systems

Automount was’nt configured. I don’t know why. I configure it and now my removable devices are mounted but I have no notification nor icon in KDE 3.5.

On 11/07/2011 02:16 PM, infolab wrote:
> Automount was’nt configured. I don’t know why. I configure it and now my
> removable devices are mounted but I have no notification nor icon in KDE
> 3.5.

there are some people (somewhere!) still using KDE3 that might be able
to help you…but, truth is i do not know where they hang out…so, be
patient while waiting here and if i were you i’d try to track them down
elsewhere also…as i recall they called themselves “The Trinity
Project” or “Project Trinity”…a Russian guy was/is the driver i
think…(but i forget his name/ID…i’d bet Google knows where to look)

openSUSE®, the “German Automobiles” of operating systems

On 2011-11-07 14:16, infolab wrote:
> Automount was’nt configured.

What do you mean by that? Are you using the automount package, perhaps?

> I don’t know why. I configure it and now my
> removable devices are mounted but I have no notification nor icon in KDE
> 3.5.

Well, KDE is old software, it works different. The advice DD gave was for
the current version of KDE 4.

There are KDE3 users in the mail lists; I know that the maintainer (Ilya)
is pretty active there. There is a opensuse-kde3 mail list.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

Enable hald service in Yast to have removable devices automounted, recognized and the popup window shown.

Is autofs suitable enough in 12.1/Gnome Shell 3.2 or is there a more appropriate way of enabling auto mounting?

On 11/26/2011 02:06 AM, l300lvl wrote:
> Is autofs suitable enough in 12.1/Gnome Shell 3.2 or is there a more
> appropriate way of enabling auto mounting?

-=WELCOME=- new poster…but, we need more info about your set up, what
you are trying to auto mount, is it in your fstab, etc etc etc…

that is: auto mounting normally “just works” without you having to do
anything…just plug it in, presto (no checking to see anything about
autofs, or ‘enabling’ anything)…so, what is different about yours?
what error message do you see? where?

and info for the future: here we prefer you to start a new thread for
your specific problem and give it a meaningful subject line and include
relevant info in the post…

openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobiles” of operating systems!

OpenSUSE 11.4 may require you to manually enable the HAL daemon service through Yast2 in order to enable USB and DVD drives auto-mounting.
KDE3 - openSUSE
Step 1 - Install HAL via YaST.
Step 2 - Enable haldaemon in YaST > System Services (Runlevel)

You are right, I’m not sure what I was thinking, I just got carried away hoping this was a more common issue, but mine isn’t the exact same issue so I will open a new post. Sorry about that!