Upgrading to 11.3 from 11.0

I am running OpenSUSE 11.0 on a Compaq 915US and would like to upgrade to 11.3. I installed 11.0 from a DVD included with a book on OpenSUSE 11.0. Is there a way to do the upgrade without downloading the 11.3 DVD image? Can it be done with YaST?



On 12/18/2010 06:36 PM, ollie2 wrote:
> I am running OpenSUSE 11.0 on a Compaq 915US and would like to upgrade
> to 11.3. I installed 11.0 from a DVD included with a book on OpenSUSE
> 11.0. Is there a way to do the upgrade without downloading the 11.3 DVD
> image? Can it be done with YaST?

If you truly mean “upgrade” from 11.0 to 11.3, that is not supported. It may
work, but it probably will not. It is better for you to install 11.3. If you
have a separate partition for /home, then your user files will be preserved;
however, it is best to backup before starting.

There are 3 ways to install 11.3: (1) from the 4+ GB DVD, (2) From a 700 MB Live
CD, and (3) from an 80 MB NET install CD. Items (2) and (3) get the information
over the network. I usually use #3 with about 2 GB being pulled in the process.
I don’t know how much is pulled with the Live CD, but it must be about the same.

If it is any consolation, upgrading from 11.3 to 11.4 when it comes out is
supported. All you will need to do is issue a ‘zypper dup’ command. It will pull
about 2 GB of material from the network. I’m sure you see a pattern.

Note that, if you using KDE, there are likely to be a number of things that will need to be adjusted manually with such a big step in KDE version.