Upgrading from Suse linux 10.1(x86-64)

I don’t know if this is good place for this post.
I`m using a laptop whit suse Linux 10.1 installed on it (since I bought it) and its only Importance is one industrial 3d scan software installed on it. its an old laptop whit an old version of Linux is it possible to backup this installed packages and install them on new laptop whit new Linux? I don’t have access to new software source but I have license dongles of this version . if it is what is the newest Linux I can use and what should I do for it ?
note1: I am almost new to Linux but I can use terminal if have commands.
note2 :sorry for my bad English.

Unless you wish to wipe your existing clean and start over entirely with a currently supported version of openSUSE (A possibly recommended path since any upgrade from an extremely old, unsupported version of anything will be long and difficult), you need to identify exactly what your existing OS is to know whether you are in the correct Forums.

Run the following in a console to display your distro and version. Post the result here, and people will know how to respond to your post

cat /etc/os-release


It might be useful to mention what this “industrial 3d scan software” really is, unless it’s top secret :P. That way we will be able to help you find it online.

Also, if it was written for SUSE 10.1, there is a certain likelihood that it will not work at all on a new installation of SLE or OpenSUSE Leap 42.2, because the library versions will not match. Be aware of that :). Otherwise, try to identify the locations of all of the related libraries and back them up. Then, as tsu2 recommended, install a supported version of OpenSUSE or SLE freshly and recover the files associated with the software in question to a folder to run them locally from there. Some programs are fine with such a solution as long as the directory hierarchy is the same. What this means is that instead of /lib/your_program_libraries, you would have /home/your_username/your_program/your_program_libraries, etc. for all of the files.

If there is a software, that only works under an older version of your operating system and won’t run under newer versions there is ohne possibility to get the problem solved:
Install a newer version of the system, and by the help of a virtualization f. ex. VirtualBox get the older system into this virtualized box. There you can run the old software. This was the only way for me to get an old, but important, software to endure…