Upgraded Wireless drivers -- need help

Hi People

Need some help. I am currently running suse 11. Over the weekend i upgraded my wireless driver for my system, the old rt2500 driver that comes withe suse 11 had many bugs that were terrible.

By upgrading to the new latest drivers my network card doesn’t seem to connect to my wireless router using knetwork manager.

When I opened yast/network setup. I tried to configure the card there, but it does not allow me to setup the WPA key, infact it gives me no option to configure the WPA key only wep keys.

I dont understand how the WPA option can disappear like this. :frowning:

Any help would be much appreciated.

fahadi wrote:

> Hi People
> Need some help. I am currently running suse 11. Over the weekend i
> upgraded my wireless driver for my system, the old rt2500 driver that
> comes withe suse 11 had many bugs that were terrible.
> By upgrading to the new latest drivers my network card doesn’t seem to
> connect to my wireless router using knetwork manager.
> When I opened yast/network setup. I tried to configure the card there,
> but it does not allow me to setup the WPA key, infact it gives me no
> option to configure the WPA key only wep keys.
> I dont understand how the WPA option can disappear like this. :frowning:
> Any help would be much appreciated.

You were on the right track. Go to Yast, network card, edit your config, and
then go on. The next window will display your network ID and encryption


Hi robertsmits

The next page does give me the option to enter my ssid, which i do, but the pull down pull down menu, only gives options for :

No Encryption
(and of the top of my head here another wep option)

and thats it no WPA-PSK or WPA-TKP
I know it used to be there but i have no clue where it has gone now

check wpa_supplicant is installed
