Upgraded from 42.1 to 42.2 and got error message

Can someone tell me what likely happened during my upgrade? At the very end of the upgrade the following message popped up.

Installation failed Details: Failed to cache rpm database
(1). History: ‘rpmdb2solv’ ‘-r’/mnt ‘-x’ ‘-A’ ‘-p’ /mnt/etc/products.d’
‘/mnt/var/cache/zypp/sol/@system solv’ ‘-o’ ‘/mnt/var/cache/zyyp/solv/

I had to copy this message by hand. Some characters may be wrong, but the gist of the message is there. To my surprise the machine booted with 42.2 and seems to be working OK. However going into YAST shows no listed repositories. Am I OK? Just load the necessary repositories or upgrade again?

Appreciate any help that someone can give. Thanks.

How big and how much space left on root?? And how was the upgrade done?? Also if BTRFS did you cleanup Snapper before the upgrade

Was also having problems with WIFI with the upgrade. I got tired of messing with it and went back and did a fresh installation. No I did not do anything with snapper. I am glad I went through the installation process. I think I have a cleaner system now. Thanks.