Upgrade to 11 ?

The home laptop will get upgraded this weekend. I’ll be taring up my /home and
repartitioning for 11.0 :). It’s time.

The MythTV will get upgraded once I am confident that it can be done without losing
data. I’m running 10.2 on there right now with a 2.6.25 kernel, so I’m already
pretty sure the new kernel won’t kill things. I just need to work through my fear
that the MythTV packages will upgrade nice.

The work desktop will stay at 10.3 for the time being. I’ll move to 11.0 there once
it becomes clear that there is a working Novell Client for it. I’ve become a weensy
bit spoiled with having my NetWare volumes mounted in my user directory. And seeing
that my day job IS as a NW admin, it’s nice to have that ability ;).

–Borg Consulate–
Cheap backup software, the bane of my existence

vicofborg’s Profile: http://forums.novell.com/member.php?userid=9273

For now I shall be staying with 10.3 which works perfectly.

Sadly 11.0 still has a bug that leaves me with an unusable display, - the combination of a Samsung Syncmaster 940BF and NVidia seem to bring X down to a resolution of 320 x something else equally small, where barely a quarter of a window fits the screen. Everything is huge and fuzzy. Vesa seems to work in Virtualbox ironically.

Not knowing how to get xorg off my system, I don’t know what to do :frowning:

you really have a valid point here and this is one reason why I am unsure of updating my main 10.3 Box, thats why Im gonna do a fresh install of 11 in a virtual machine to see how ncl installs etc etc.

Please do fill out a enhancement request at novell!! It cant be that Novell is writing their novell linux client dependent on certain modules and really only writing it for sled 10.2. This is complete BS in my book, and really disappointing for a ‘suse’ vendor. Also that the ncl hasnt been updated since October 2007. Just mind boggleing really. Novell marketing has SUSE this and that all over their website, not to mention branding on the opensuse site.Client wise you really still see what is still favored by novell, again complete BS and I feal an apology should be made to opensuse users. I think this is one reason why the opensuse desktop community still isnt embracing novell on the enterprise level, the vendor support just isnt their yet, although marketing wise it sure as hell is.

To bad Nss still doesnt run at full potential with SLES as it does natively with NetWare. I feel NSS is the best Data System out their especially the handling of big volumes (Teta ++)

While ncl 2 runs with 10.3 , its runs ,but not without certain issues sad really when you think about it.

I had a crazy problem, the entire display was messed up, I just Ctrl+Alt+F2’ed, vi’ed /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and ran rcxdm restart, after Ctrl+Alt+F7’ing, everything was fine (but wrong resolution, but that was an easy fix with the nvidia driver)

This is the first time I’m actually writing a post from 11.0.

In the end I deleted the xorg.conf created from the fresh install, and then went into failsafe mode.

After that I installed the NVidia drivers, and then restarted.

Now things are fine :slight_smile: There is definitely something wrong with the xorg that gets written on install, - I hope it’s something that’s not affected too many people. Quite glad I managed to fix things. :slight_smile:

So as to the original poll, - will I upgrade? After a full backup, I would say… maybe… :wink:


idshark <idshark@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org> expounded:

> vicofborg;1821579 Wrote:
> >
> > The work desktop will stay at 10.3 for the time being. I’ll move to
> > 11.0 there once
> > it becomes clear that there is a working Novell Client for it. I’ve
> > become a weensy
> > bit spoiled with having my NetWare volumes mounted in my user
> > directory.

> you really have a valid point here and this is one reason why I am
> unsure of updating my main 10.3 Box, thats why Im gonna do a fresh
> install of 11 in a virtual machine to see how ncl installs etc etc.

> Please do fill out a enhancement request at novell!! It cant be that
> Novell is writing their novell linux client dependent on certain
> modules and really only writing it for sled 10.2.

Yeah. Now that openSUSE 11.0 is out, Novell is going to kick into gear building up
their “Code 11” products. SLES11 and SLED11. I /suspect/ we’ll get a ‘preview’
client that works with 11.0 as they work through the issues internally.

> This is complete BS
> in my book, and really disappointing for a ‘suse’ vendor. Also that the
> ncl hasnt been updated since October 2007. Just mind boggleing really.

I wonder about that m’self. Though again I suspect a new release will come out when
OES2-SP1 ships later this year. We’ll see.

> Novell marketing has SUSE this and that all over their website, not to
> mention branding on the opensuse site.Client wise you really still see
> what is still favored by novell, again complete BS and I feal an
> apology should be made to opensuse users. I think this is one reason
> why the opensuse desktop community still isnt embracing novell on the
> enterprise level, the vendor support just isnt their yet, although
> marketing wise it sure as hell is.

> While ncl 2 runs with 10.3 , its runs ,but not without certain issues
> sad really when you think about it.

One thing that is pretty clear to me is that the NCL is an ‘enterprise’ product,
rather than a ‘community’ product. Thus, it’s designed to work with SLED. The fact
that it works at all with openSUSE 10.2 and 10.3 is a nice side-effect, but not a
fully intended one. Unfortunately, it’s one I’ve become dependent upon.

Since I’m used to openSUSE, SLED seems old and clunky. Side-grading (or if you
rather, down-grading) to SLED from openSUSE is something I’d rather not do if I
don’t have to. Plus, sad as this sounds, my department dosn’t have enough budget to
let me be the special snowflake and have a SLED subscription. We don’t get it on our

> To bad Nss still doesnt run at full potential with SLES as it does
> natively with NetWare. I feel NSS is the best Data System out their
> especially the handling of big volumes (Teta ++)

64-bit will help this a lot. IIRC, oes2-sp1 should see more improvements in that.

–Borg Consulate–
Cheap backup software, the bane of my existence

vicofborg’s Profile: http://forums.novell.com/member.php?userid=9273

Having bug tested beta 3 & RC1, and followed those, I know there are still a few too many bugs with my laptop that remain to be fixed, so I’m sticking with 10.3 for now. In testing beta 3 & RC1, I found KDE4 to have some potential, but not yet ready to serve as my day-to-day work environment due to too many bugs and missing features. Given that, 11.0 seems to me from my perspective as a user on my system to be a minor upgrade with too many unresolved bugs to justify making the move. I know I’ll get flamed for the minor upgrade comment given that I know a lot of changes and major re-writes or replacement programs appear in 11.0, but KDE 3.5.9 and a couple functions working a bit better, a couple a bit worse, and a couple functions that needed improved but have not, for me 11.1 with stable, fully-functional KDE 4.1 or better will feel like the major upgrade.

Still, once some of the issues get resolved in updates I will likely upgrade. I’m changing jobs & will get a new work desktop, and will install 11.0 on it from the get go, as it will no doubt have fewer issues than just about any laptop, and certainly my laptop.

Of course, the kid who wants to play with a new toy part of me :wink: may override my common sense and cause me to make the move warts and all.