Upgrade kills Gnome!

Tried to upgrade an 11.1 system yesterday to 11.2, … disabled the current repositories and setup the 11.2 repositories, but after zypper dup, grub shows an 11.4 kernel!

Cannot start a Gnome session under my old user; tried deleting the .gnome directories under that user, no help; tried creating a new user and starting a Gnome session, nothing. After login, all I get is wallpaper - no desktop, no task bar, no mouse clicks enabled.

Is the upgrade borked or is there an issue with Gnome? How can I get a Gnome desktop?




Maybe there is a problem with the repositories.

As you are unable to log into a graphical environment, you can use:
‘zypper lr -u’ from the command line.

If the update process was interrupted you could try ‘zypper dup’ again.

On 2010-07-29 16:36, omnitec wrote:
> Tried to upgrade an 11.1 system yesterday to 11.2, … disabled the
> current repositories and setup the 11.2 repositories, but after zypper
> dup, grub shows an 11.4 kernel!

What do you mean, 11.4 kernel, what is that? There is no such thing. Kernel is version 2.6.something.

If your system is reporting 11.4 somewhere, like in /etc/SuSE-release or SuSE-brand, or a comment in
grub, it means that you configured the wrong repos and upgraded to factory, not 11.3. If that is the
case, good luck. You may need a new install. Or attempt a downgrade to 11.3 via zypper dup with a
correct set of repos.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” GM (Elessar))