Upgrade from 15.2->15.3 removes 20 packages, including sssd, sysstat, nfs and others

I am trying to upgrade an openSUSE leap 15.2 VM to open SUSE leap 15.4.
It is recommended to go to 15.3 first.
When I run zypper dist-upgrade it removes all of my SSSD and SYSSTAT applications and configuration.
I tried to re-apply the removed rpms, but SSSD is not working properly and for SYSSTAT all of the /var/log/sa files are removed by the update.
This doesn’t seem right…
Any ideas?

The upgrade from 15.2 to 15.3 was tricky, because 15.3 started using additional repos. As I recall, the first update for 15.3 was a patch that added the additional repos. Your updated system would likely be incomplete before that.

You might do better to use the 15.4 DVD iso for the upgrade. Or do a clean install of 15.4.

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Apart from the fact that people, like @nrickert , will try their utmost to delve in their memory to try to help you, you could learn from this that it is better to update to a next Leap version before it goes out of support. Then still everybody can help you with fresh experience and memories.


First, welcome to the openSUSE Forums.

Did you absolutely, exactly, without any errors, follow the openSUSE Upgrade SDB content?

Apropos, SSSD – System Security Services Daemon – it’s here (in the Network LDAP repository): <https://software.opensuse.org/package/sssd>

Apropos SYSSTAT – the documentation is here: <https://doc.opensuse.org/documentation/leap/tuning/html/book-tuning/cha-util.html#sec-util-multi-sar>
The package is available either from the main openSUSE repository or, the Server - Monitoring repository: <https://software.opensuse.org/package/sysstat>