Upgrade from 13.2 to Leap

Is there a safe way to upgrade from 13.2 til Leap? Is it recommanded to do so?

Best regards,
Ronny Simonsen
Narvik - Norway

You can do it from the USB/DVD image or you can do it online with zypper dup after changeing all repos to 42.2.

In my opinion it is is better to do a new install of leap rather then try an upgrade just keep your home. People seem to have more trouble with upgraded systems.

Agree, mostly . . . :wink:
The 13.2 to Leap 42.1 upgrade seems to be mostly good but, there are some annoying issues which may (or may not) arise:
[li]As mentioned in the Release Notes, 13.2 uses “predictable network interface names”, Leap 42.1 uses “persistent interface names”.[/li][LIST]
[li]There is a workaround mentioned in the Release Notes but, there’s nothing mentioned reminding you to remove the workaround after the upgrade has been completed and, to set-up “persistent interface names”. You may also possibly need to manually remove the /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-<13.2 names> files and, re-execute the YaST Network configuration. [/li][/ul]

[li]I am unlucky: the Leap 42.1 NTP daemon doesn’t behave as it should do and, I haven’t yet finished the code inspection to find out why . . . :cry: [/li][li]Plasma 5 KDE is not as mature as the Plasma 4 KDE: there are some (mainly user customisation) aspects which need to be classified as “work in progress” . . . :expressionless: [/li][li]KMail doesn’t migrate cleanly: the inbox does not migrate to the country-specific name – the English name appears . . . [/li][/LIST]

Despite the issues I’ve mentioned Leap 42.1 is an improvement over 13.2:
[li]Laptop sleep/hibernate works properly, including hybrid-sleep . . . [/li][li]Laptop Network Manager with WiFi works properly. [/li][li]Time needed to Boot has been reduced. [/li][li]I have a suspicion that the Laptop battery holds longer: possibly less current is drawn. [/li][li]New LibreOffice version is nice. [/li][/ul]

Only need to wait for the Qt5 version of DigiKam.

Some additions to my previous remarks (discovered today: 22nd February 2016).
It seems that Leap 42.1 has some large changes with respect to temporary files which are sort of but not quite handled by the upgrade (from 13.2) routines:

  • The following directories can be (almost) emptied from a Console TTY assuming that the Display Manager
    and the Network have been shut down: “init 2”. At he next GUI login they will be populated with the Leap 42.1 items. - /tmp/kde-<User’s login name>/ is almost empty: only an xauth-<UID>-_0
    is present; closeditems/ is empty. - /var/tmp/kdecache-<User’s login name>/ contains only the following KDE4 files: icon-cache.kcache
    ksycoca4 ksycoca4stamp - The Plasma 5 KDE files which used to located in the /var/tmp/
    directory are now located in the ~/.cache/ directory:

Given the “init 2” state mentioned above, remove everything from the ~/.cache/ directory except for the mozilla/ directory.

My ~/.cache/ directory currently contains only the following (Plasma 5 KDE) items:

~/.cache> ls -a
.                                          ksycoca5_de_MFTZsp59pBGb5QxQ8sLS1UtUuXo=
..                                         mozilla
activityswitcher_wallpaper_preview.kcache  plasma-svgelements-openSUSEdefault_v0.9
fontconfig                                 plasma_theme_openSUSEdefault_v0.9.kcache
gstreamer-1.0                              thumbnails

If this housekeeping is not done, it seems that the Leap 42.1 system uses a curious mix of the 13.2 Plasma 4 KDE files, KDE4 files and the new Plasma 5 KDE files.
[HR][/HR]A further cautionary note has to be made with respect to KDE4 applications which have not yet been converted to Qt5 (Plasma 5 KDE):

  • this applies to applications such as Okular
    and Amarok: - leave the ~/.kde4/share/
    directory content “as is” for the moment: the remaining KDE4 applications haven’t yet moved their configuration data and playlist data over to the Plasma 5 KDE location.

Fact is that not all KDE4 apps have been ported to Plassam5 so expect a mix for some time to come.

This is wrong.

KDE4 applications still use the directories in /var/tmp/, while Plasma5 and KF5 applications (only) use ~/.cache/.

The only “problem” is that /var/tmp/kde* might contain files that are not used any more and unnecessary take up space.

And yes, KDE4 applications still use (and will continue to use) ~/.kde4/ for config and data files, while KF5 applications use the XDG standards ~/.config/ and ~/.local/.