updating without kernals

forgive me for my terminology!! still new to linux!!
im running a samsung rv520 laptop with intel and xp7…i have installed 12.1 and all works fine till i update,at which time i lose control of the FN for brightness control,the question is can i accept updates (manualy ) and omit the kernal/xorg bits will this corrupt the setup?? realy not sure how to proceed as i wish to update against vunrabillities without reaking my setup.
as alway’s any help/direction appreciated ;):wink:

On 2012-07-13 14:56, diamond1902 wrote:
> forgive me for my terminology!! still new to linux!!
> im running a samsung rv520 laptop with intel and xp7…i have
> installed 12.1 and all works fine till i update,


> at which time i lose
> control of the FN for brightness control,the question is can i accept
> updates (manualy ) and omit the kernal/xorg bits will this corrupt the
> setup?? realy not sure how to proceed as i wish to update against
> vunrabillities without reaking my setup.
> as alway’s any help/direction appreciated ;):wink:

In YOU (Yast Online Update) you can select manually what to update and what

Further more, you can have more than one kernel installed:

multiversion = provides:multiversion(kernel)

and another setting that I can not lookup just now, because I’m using 11.4.
Somebody else will tell.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

On 2012-07-13 15:36, Carlos E. R. wrote:

> Further more, you can have more than one kernel installed:
> /etc/zypp/zypp.conf:
> multiversion = provides:multiversion(kernel)

multiversion.kernels = latest-1,running

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

Further more, you can have more than one kernel installed:!!!
presume you mean that like the programs the older version is stored within yast…but after initial install i then used online update when this was complete i found i had a screen brightness problem i couldn’t resolve…so i went back to yast to downgrade the kernal but found that although it listed earlier versions i could not activate any!! i then reinstalled 12.1 which now work’s and although im keen protect my pc with updates i dont wish to go thru the process again…think i will cherry pick the updates and watch for a solution to the brightness problem in future releases, i will also write a bug report, cheers for the help.

On 07/14/2012 10:06 AM, diamond1902 wrote:
> presume you mean that like the programs the older version is stored
> within yast

no, it is possible to have more than one kernel installed on your
system–and you can choose which is booted on the first green screen…



If you want to avoid installing an update, in Yast Online Update you can right-click on the update name at the top left panel and choose “Taboo - never install”. Then on this and subsequent Yast runs the update will not be installed. You can also do this for any package in Software Manager.
I’ve used this many times to blacklist a kernel update that would break something.

And you CAN revert the kernel version. In Yast Software Manager, search for “kernel” (filter by name only), select the correct kernel package - usually “kernel-desktop” and choose the version you want in the “versions” tab at the bottom right panel. Note that you should revert all kernel packages you have installed, like “kernel-source”, “kernel-syms”, “kernel-desktop-devel”, etc., to the same kernel version you chose. If you fail to do that you’ll have problems with proprietary graphics drivers (nvidia and ATI), virtualization apps like vmware or virtualbox, and any other app that is compiled at installation time.

On 2012-07-14 10:06, diamond1902 wrote:
> Further more, you can have more than one kernel installed:!!!
> presume you mean that like the programs the older version is stored
> within yast…

No, I mean that you can have several kernels simultaneously installed and choose which one to
boot each time.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

cheer’s brunomci,!! i have a better understanding of it now:) many thank’s

thank’s robin, didn’t realise that will wait now for a later kernal before trying again,i managed to find a work round, so happy to use as is for time being,many thanks everyone