updating gnome......

i installed opensuse 13.1 gnome 3.10 lately
and i right now i come to know that a newer version of gnome is out there gnome 3.16

how do i install it …over my old gnome version.

You cannot. At least not easily.

Packages are only available for Factory/Tumbleweed, and even those still have problems so it will take a while until GNOME 3.16 officially appears in Tumbleweed.

For your 13.1 there never will be official packages though.

You could try to download the source and compile it yourself, or branch the packages from GNOME:Factory on OBS and build them for 13.1.
But most likely you’d have to upgrade a lot of other packages as well.

If you want to always use the latest and greatest, you should probably consider switching to Tumbleweed.

can you direct me on that…
i dunno how to install tumbleweed and all that stuff…
moreover, i don’t want to uninstall my opensuse 13.1 which i currently have.

If you can direct me it will be a great help.

Tumbleweed will replace your current openSUSE. It is the absolutely newest version of openSUSE since it essentially follows the factory. You basically can not use the latest Gnome and keep 13.1

You could of course install Tumbleweed to it’s own partition and thus keep 13.1 but Gnome 3.10 would only live on the Tumbleweed OS not 13.1

This should tell you everything you need to know:

moreover, i don’t want to uninstall my opensuse 13.1 which i currently have.

Well, Tumbleweed is basically a different distribution.
You either upgrade your 13.1 system to Tumbleweed (i.e. replace your 13.1 with Tumbleweed) and are using Tumbleweed then, or you install it alongside and choose which one to boot in the boot menu.

And again, GNOME 3.16 is not available yet in Tumbleweed either. You have to be a bit more patient.
There are additional repos for Tumbleweed where you can get it from, but it’s still work-in-progress and doesn’t fully work AIUI.

So, I definitely would not recommend you to upgrade to Tumbleweed at the moment just because of GNOME 3.16.
And maybe it would be a good idea to try out a LiveCD first…

Although I would not recommend updating Tumbleweed to Gnome 3.16, I’ve been running Factory 3.16 on Tumbleweed for the past 72 hours with no problems :cool: