Update won't work behind proxy

Dear all,

I have installed openusese 11.2 since about 2 months ago. Everything running well. But since the network admin deploy proxy server, I couldn’t get update than.
Also I couldn’t get community repositorys list
i already put http_proxy setting in my profile, and it’s work, I could use wget to download file from internet(including wget repomd.xml files from repository) by using both normal user or superuser. So did from YaST control Center -> proxy, the test process was fine

Please help me with this problem, was that related to proxy settings?
Or did I miss something else?

thanks in advance,

I suggest you read through the following thread were another user had and resolved a similar problem.

yast could not connect with my http proxy - openSUSE Forums

Thank You,

Wow, thanks that’s work on me rotfl!

I just miss this line

export ZYPP_ARIA2C=0

thank you very much

You are very welcome but “novsan” came up with the solution. You might want to thank him for his help. Go back to the other thread and tell him so. And, if you need any other help, please let us know.

Thank You,

I successfully ran the graphical interface this way:

  • I opened a terminal
  • switched to root
  • typed the ‘magic expression’: export ZYPP_ARIA2C=0
  • typed: yast2
  • from the panel select ‘Software Update’ (or anything else), the proxy left me out on app.



export ZYPP_ARIA2C=0
