update VLC

Hi Folks

VLC 1.0 just came out and I’d like to update
I remember when I was getting multimedia stuff working there were warnings about installing one component (I think libdvdcss) from the VLC repo then disabling it. Thought I would ask how to go about updating VLC before I just enable that repo and make a mistake I’ll regret


Use vlc from Packman, don’t enable the vlc repo, you will mess things up

caf4926 wrote:

> Use vlc from Packman, don’t enable the vlc repo,
you will mess things
> up
ditto - this is good advise

Suse 11.1 x64, Kde 4.2.1, Opera 10.x weekly

Just wait until the vlc maintainer from packman will compile it. Be patient :slight_smile:

ok, gotcha
the version from packman will be compiled against libs from packman
makes sense


Yes, you are right there as using VLC from VLC repo may not work as it’s supposed to as it would be built against VLC repo’s libraries which may differ a lot than packman’s libraries. Is there any feature that you require immediately and which is provided by VLC 1.0.0 only?

Why not use the VLC repo? If it has the libs then what is prob? Imho wouldn’t the official repo be best?


Just take our word for it.

Huh? Weird! I look at my VLC and it says from “repo_15”, but in the repo list there is no “repo_15”.

Thanks caf, great answer.

If you still have doubts I’ll tell you my own experience.
I even used the VLC repos,not the Packman version.
After I installed the VLC,this was 0.99, it wouldn’t play the following extensions .flv,.mp4,mpeg2, & .mov
Also,it didn’t play DVDs or Cds.
When it did play a video(in the formats not listed above) it could only be from from what I had on my HDD & even then it was sluggish with tiling & momentary freezes.
I uninstalled the whole mess, put in the Packman version & it still played as badly as stated. What I ultimately did was a re-install, then I put in the Packman version at that time0.98. I paid a big price for curiosity.
So for anyone that thinks we all are just playing favorites here,I say this learn from my experience!

That repo 15 is because you added it either from the community list of via some Oneclick. Add them manually and give them a proper alias.

Proper answer.
There is very little multimedia in VLC repo, but totally heaps in Packman, Packman is where all your multi-media will come from, so having VLC packaged by Packman and all the key libs like ‘libavcodec’ is going to mean it will work. Mix it up and you’ll soon find out I’m right.:slight_smile:

I didn’t know what caused it but I knew it was ****ed up big time!
Do you think the posting of my experience will stop at least one?

Anything we post that is helpful is good. You never know.

It’s an understandable answer. The VLC repository uses similar libraries to those in Packman. Similar content but not the same. What happens if you enable VLC and Packman is … nothing … for a while, then one day you’ll find yourself in update dependency hell. Often those who ignore such good advice can’t see the connection between today’s mess and what they did weeks ago.

It’s educational, sorting things out is good fun if you like puzzles, just don’t say you weren’t warned. :wink:

For the impatient, I can confirm that vlc builds from source on openSUSE 11.1 x86_64. I don’t have the VLC repo enabled, I do have Packman enabled. I had to install tons of libraries and headers, but I got there.

One final hurdle. It will complain when you attempt to run it after building, so do the following

vlc/vlc-1.0.0> vlc: error while loading shared libraries: libvlc.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[1] 8476
[1]+  Exit 127                vlc
-vlc/vlc-1.0.0> sudo /sbin/ldconfig
-vlc/vlc-1.0.0> vlc
VLC media player 1.0.0 Goldeneye

It’s late so now the window has appeared at last I don’t have time to play anymore. Bedtime.

I’ve been through dependency purgatory before and would rather not go back for a visit;)
That’s why I started this post, I’ll just wait for packman to compile it


dmrobbin wrote:

> I’ve been through dependency purgatory before
and would rather not go
> back for a visit;)
> That’s why I started this post, I’ll just wait
for packman to compile
> it
> Dave
packman installs but does not work for me under
11.2 kde4.3

Suse 11.1 x64, Kde 4.2.1, Opera 10.x weekly

For all interested parties VLC 1.0 is in the Packman repos!!!
It Works too!!

a little spooky, it updated a bunch of libs
but it seems to work fine
testing in progress;)
patience is a virtue
