Update: My system lockup

Hi all,

I had a thread going here about why my Opensuse11 is locking up.

I took a few updates the last three days, but something seems to have fixed it.

I haven’t shut down this workstation in two days.

Been using firefox3, Thunderbird, K3B burning iso’s from mounted files, OpenOffice documents and spreadsheets from mounted files, printing from my EpsonCX3810 and everything has been just ducky.

I think it really helped to remove beagle completely like I did two days ago.

I think that Opensuse11 is finally here to stay in this office. We have successfully removed one Windows workstation from the domain, Now I only have 11 more to go, LOLOL.

The boss is happy that this workstation is finally productive.

Now If I can only create an installable image of this configured workstation, I can remove the windows OS out of all the machines by next weekend.

The Domain Controller is still Windows2003StandardServer, but I must admit, has been working flawlessly since I initially built and configured it two years ago. It is our DNS/DHCP/WEB/Email/FTP/File/DomainController all in one.

Thanks all,


Hi Heeter,

Good to hear you are making good progress with it all! :slight_smile:

There are a couple of ways to handle the imaging… what do you have in mind?


Hi Magic,

I would like to create a bootable iso image of this configured workstation,

On the new workstations, I can setup the HD by using gparted if need be, or even better, be able to setup the HD right from the iso image.

Can I do this?


If you remove beagle, can you still search for applications from the taskbar menu?

Yes I can.

The Beagle was replaced by a simple Nautilus search bar


You can make an automated installation using Autoyast. Give a search on this forum for more info on this, a link that gives more detail on options:
Help! how to create a custom DVD from existing SLES DVD? - openSUSE Forums

But as I understand you are thinking more of making an image of your current setup and copying / cloning that to another PC? That can be done with imaging tools like partimage, ghost, BootIt, etc.
1st step would be to make an image of your current disk and then (2d step) restore it to the drive of another PC.

Is that what you mean? If so, that is quite easy to do.

If you are restoring your image to another PC with different hardware (mainly the disk controller) there is a big change you have to recreate the boot files so they contain the correct drivers (creating initrd by using mkinitrd).
See here for what this is about: Good Things To Know When Imaging Linux To Different Hardware - openSUSE Forums

There are many threads on this topic, so do a search for more info. I’ve referenced some old posts as they are quick to find. :slight_smile:

Great work, Magic

And thanks for the response.

definitely will see about image tools.

Thanks again,
