Update Error

I’m somewhat of a newbie, so I’m not exactly sure if I should really be offering this as a “bug report” at some other location. I’m running OpenSuse 12.3 Beta 1. Today I had an update (openSUSE-2013-66 - PackageKit:Two bugfixes) pop up through Apper, when I try to run it I get:

PackageKit-branding-openSUSE-12.3-1.2.noarch requires PackageKit = 0.7.4, but this requirement cannot be provided

Help! Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

I would try doing the update manually using zypper, just in case the problem is with apper. Try the following:

su -
zypper up

The zypper command completed some updates, alas none that affected the previous update error. I’m still getting the message. :frowning:

It is common to get these messages during the beta testing phase. Things are still in flux and zypper (the backend for apper) is doing its job by not updating the packages whose dependencies are not all met. Most of us enable the factory repos for updates during the testing phase but this isn’t required. In fact, sometimes updates from the factory repos breaks a lot of stuff.

The packagekit package that’s missing may be in factory, maybe not. Anyway, these things get resolved by the time the developers get to the final release.

Yeah, I get that. Thanks for the input on the error. I really think the SUSE people are doing an excellent job with this distro overall. I was a Windows devotee pretty much, then I started dabbling with different forks of the Linux distros… and ended up sticking with OpenSUSE.

On 02/01/2013 04:46 PM, harpllo wrote:
> I’m still getting the message.

i see you write “I’m somewhat of a newbie” and i don’t really know how
new you might be to Linux or openSUSE, but you do realize (don’t you?)
that 12.3 B1 is experimental, in heavy development software and expected
to have bugs…and, as a Software Tester you are expected not to just
figure out how to fix it on your machine, but rather to determine if it
is a bug and if so log it to bugzilla…

this is NOT the place to log the bug…here you discuss with other
testers to see if it is a bug, and then log it to

and, whatever you do, do not run it on a machine with your data, music,
movies, photos, email, doctoral thesis etc etc etc unless you have a
complete and always current off machine backup…

otoh, if you are wanting to run a stable and mostly reliable system,
install 12.2 or better 12.1 (i run super stable 11.4 Evergreen which is
light years advanced compared to most of the OSs in use on the planet


openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobile” of operating systems!

I think I recall mentioning that in my first post in this thread. But thank you for pointing me toward the bug posting link.

On 2013-02-01 02:56, nightwishfan wrote:
> I would try doing the update manually using zypper, just in case the
> problem is with apper. Try the following:
> Code:
> --------------------
> su -
> zypper up
> --------------------

You are supposed to do a “zypper dup” on each beta upgrade, not plain “up”.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)

I try not to recommend potentially destructive commands unless I know the full situation.

On 2013-02-04 03:56, nightwishfan wrote:
> I try not to recommend potentially destructive commands unless I know
> the full situation.

The recommended instructions for factory is to always do a “zypper dup”
when the factory repo gets refreshed. It is mandatory. If you do not do
it you are improperly doing it.

(actually, “zypper dup” was designed for factory ussage)

If damage results, report it in the factory mail list, then on bugzilla.
Factory is for experienced users, problems are to be expected and you
should be able to cope with them. Even with total destruction of the

So yes, I do recommend “zypper dup” here, because you are supposed to
know how to handle it before using the factory version.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)

From a couple of other threads, other reported issues, I get that Apper/Packagekit only respects the default repos. So, not the Factory ones.

Thanks to all for the tips. :slight_smile: