Unsigned File repomd.xml from repository nVidia Graphics Drivers

A simple check on if it is a mirror issue would be what’s the IP you get for ftp://download.nvidia.com/
I get a Dutch IP
a host’s hack to force download.nvidia.com to point to might be possible but better wait for a fix.

A whois search for
revealed some interesting info

netname:        AKAMAI-TINET
descr:          Akamai Technologies

it could be nvidia is buying cdn hosting from Akamai and this whole mess is Akamai’s doing.

% host download.nvidia.com
download.nvidia.com is an alias for download-ftp.nvidia.com.edgesuite.net.
download-ftp.nvidia.com.edgesuite.net is an alias for 32940.ftp.download.akadns.net.
32940.ftp.download.akadns.net has address
32940.ftp.download.akadns.net has address

atm I’m on my win box but that doesn’t really matter pinging download.nvidia.com

C:\Users\xxxxx>ping download.nvidia.com

Pinging 32940.ftp.download.akadns.net [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=39ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=39ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=39ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=39ms TTL=56

Ping statistics for C:
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 39ms, Maximum = 39ms, Average = 39ms

I’d say this is a cdn issue with Akamai Technologies.

This is a bad idea, do not do this
you can edit /etc/host and have download.nvidia.com point to is an Akamai IP too

most likely one of their servers is dying, I don’t think that this is an opensuse or an nvidia issue

For me, the easy workaround it to disable the nvidia repo. The driver is already installed, so I can do without the repo as long as the installed driver continues to function.

The big problem is for people installing the nvidia driver for the first time.

If I were in that position, I would certainly consider:

  • add a hosts entry to get a mirror that works;
  • install the driver
  • mark the repo as disabled
  • remove the hosts entry

Or maybe I would just install the driver the hard way (which isn’t all that hard, but requires reinstall for every kernel update).

You’re right, I’m nostalgic for the days when one URL pointed to one IP, now with cdn’s you don’t need mirrors when the cdn provider has several servers that have different IP’s with the same URL, this is a kind of location based discrimination.
editing the hosts file is simple, you need to do it as root and all you need to do is add this line download.nvidia.com
you can use kate for it, open a terminal and execute

kdesu kate /etc/hosts

paste download.nvidia.com in the ip4 field just after localhost
and save.
the edited file should look like this:

# hosts         This file describes a number of hostname-to-address
#               mappings for the TCP/IP subsystem.  It is mostly
#               used at boot time, when no name servers are running.
#               On small systems, this file can be used instead of a
#               "named" name server.
# Syntax:
# IP-Address  Full-Qualified-Hostname  Short-Hostname
#    localhost  download.nvidia.com
# special IPv6 addresses
::1             localhost ipv6-localhost ipv6-loopback

fe00::0         ipv6-localnet

ff00::0         ipv6-mcastprefix
ff02::1         ipv6-allnodes
ff02::2         ipv6-allrouters
ff02::3         ipv6-allhosts

After you are finished configuring your networking files, don’t forget to restart your network for the changes to take effect.
Keep in mind even cdn providers change their IP’s so download.nvidia.com
might not be valid for a long time, as soon as you install the drivers remove that line!

Well, I do get for download.nvidia.com too.

I can reproduce the issue by adding as repo explicitly.
It’s not the original one though (“Unsigned File repomd.xml”), but “Signature verification failed [4-Signatures public key is not available]” when trying to install packages.

Exactly what I am getting.
So is there a cure?

Well, yes. Read the previous posts…

You can do one of the following:

  • add the repo with using the specified (working) URL instead of “download.nvidia.com” (you can modify the URL of an already added repo in YaST->Software Repositories, or by editing the corresponding file in /etc/zypp/repos.d/ manually)
  • add an entry to /etc/hosts to resolve download.nvidia.com to the working IP address
  • disable gpg checking for the nvida repo:
sudo zypper mr --no-gpgcheck nvidia

(replace “nvidia” with whatever your repo’s name or number is, use “zypper lr” to find out)

Or, if you don’t necessarily need to install the driver now, wait until this is resolved.
Your system won’t blow up if you don’t install updates immediately… :wink:

I did. Perhaps I don’t understand them.

What I actually did yesterday was:

  1. Remove the repo
  2. Remove the GPG key
  3. Run zypper clean -a
  4. Add the repo
  5. Run zypper up
  6. Get the “Signature verification failed [4-Signatures public key is not available]”
  7. Checked in YaST/Repos - actually there is no GPG key for Nvidia.

That’s why I thought I might have messed up something and decided to ask.

Or, if you don’t necessarily need to install the driver now, wait until this is resolved.
Your system won’t blow up if you don’t install updates immediately… :wink:

I can wait for sure. Just wanted to make sure if what I have done is correct. Is it enough just to wait now?

I did sum it up for you in my previous post…

Again, do one of the following:  download.nvidia.com
  • Run something like this to disable the GPG key check for the nvidia repo:
sudo zypper mr --no-gpgcheck nvidia

But note that all of those are (temporary) workarounds that should not be necessary.

Is it enough just to wait now?

Well, I do hope that this problem will get fixed… :wink:

Just did that. And then:


Well, you don’t show the actual URL of the repo in your list (“zypper lr -d”), so we cannot be sure that you use the working IP address now.

If you do, I have no idea what else is wrong, as it works for me and for I_A.

Disabling the GPG key check (point 3 in my list) should help in any case.

zypper lr -d | grep -i nvidia                                                                                                                                               
10 | nVidia_Graphics_Drivers            | nVidia Graphics Drivers            | Yes     | ( p) Yes  | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md |                                                 |      

I am not in a hurry to update anything. Just trying to figure out why it works for you and not for me.

Ok, that is the right one indeed.

I just tried again here, and I do get the same error now. But it definitely worked yesterday…

I guess if there is no way to inform NVidia all we can do is wait. :slight_smile:

On 2015-08-24 12:16, heyjoe wrote:
> Code:
> --------------------
> zypper lr -d | grep -i nvidia
> 10 | nVidia_Graphics_Drivers | nVidia Graphics Drivers | Yes | ( p) Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | |
> --------------------
> I am not in a hurry to update anything. Just trying to figure out why it
> works for you and not for me.

A suggestion for other one to check.

Nvidia hhtp server is not browsable. However, the ftp server is.

The PGP key is here:

or here:




gives file not found.

All that is known, but maybe it triggers ideas. I have to go now. :slight_smile:

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.

(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))

On 2015-08-24 12:26, heyjoe wrote:
> I guess if there is no way to inform NVidia all we can do is wait. :slight_smile:

On the ftp server there is a readme with instructions for reports. :wink:

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.

(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))

Thanks. I have just sent them a link to this thread.