Unreadable text on the login screen

I recently upgraded my opensuse box to Leap 15.6, but found that the login screen is unreadable. Any letter or word displayed on the greeting screen is a scrambled block. No readable text.

Once logged in, the desktop display is normal. I can use all applications normally, including Firefox. The problem only occurs with the greeting screen. I am using kdm as the display manager.

There is no such package in Leap 15.6. Have you tried to ask whoever you got this package from?

There is in OBS: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/KDE3/15.6/x86_64/kdebase3-kdm-

And? How exactly does it contradict to what I have said?

Sorry, my bad. I did not really look at the name, but took the one based on my memory. (kdm == KDE Display Manager?)

The GUI desktop is KDE based. I did not make any customization. Let me know what information can help with triaging this issue. I’ll happily provide it.

You are probably use SDDM as display manager, since that is the default for a KDE install.

Knowing that may not solve your problem. But perhaps we can avoid getting sidetracked.

I’m using SDDM, and not having the problem that you describe.

You can perhaps install “lightdm”, and switch to using that. It might be a good workaround.

What did you upgrade from? What language have you set for the desktop?

I upgraded from the previous Leap release, 15.5 I believe. The language has been English all along.

Thanks. I’ll give that a try when I get a chance, probably this coming weekend.

Any quick hint about how to switch to lightdm? (If not I’ll just look it up on web).

First install “lightdm” (maybe its already there).


Yast → Miscellaneous → Alternatives

Select (click) “default-display-manager” and then click the “Edit” button near the bottom of the screen.

I think you will be able to workout what to do next.

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Voila! Lightdm is working fine with correct text rendering. I’ll keep lightdm going forward.

Meanwhile, I am curious what could have caused sddm to break like that.


SDDM has to my mind some strange backgrounds. The picture looks like some screens in the KDM log on configuration.

You could try to change the theme and see if it makes any difference.

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