Unistalling app in wine

How can I uninstall an application in wine?

go to hidden user folder for .wine

follow thru to windows - program files
just delete the program folder in question, you could try running it’s uninstall from a terminal, but I just delete the folder and then edit the menu to delete any entry there.

I tried this but it does not work.
I delete the program from .wine folder, and try to reinstall again, and it detects thats is already installed. I guess the reason is the windows registry.


How can I uninstall an application in wine?

How To Ask Questions the Smart Way

i thinking some and suggest you this

if you know what you are doing you could run regedit by

wine regedit

and as in windows edit register

maybe you have only one program installed in wine then you could remove ~/.wine folder

there too many possibilities to describe all on your shot question… you can read in winehq.org something like faq and other principles…

Ok, I will try to edit the registry and delete the entries related with my application. It should work.

Easiest method is to type wine uninstaller in a console. Select the program and click remove.
It is also safe to go to your ~/.wine directory ans delete the respective folder in program files


That’s true, thanks a lot!
Its a pity that when I installed wine it did not create an icon to config wine and to uninstall programs, it would be easier for users.

How do I open hidden directory ?

In the console window type: ls -a
In konqueror I do not know, should be an option on preferences or options.

Gnome commander solved the thing . THanks anyway :wink:

i’ve deleted some folders in the .wine folder, but now the wine part of the main menu is all messed up. any ideas of how to get rid of deleted programs that are still shown in the wine menu?

i’ve deleted some folders in the .wine folder, but now the wine part of
the main menu is all messed up. any ideas of how to get rid of deleted
programs that are still shown in the wine menu?


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