Unable to uninstall Nvidia driver manually

Hello everyone.
Some time ago I switched to openSUSE. After some starting problems with NVIDIA drivers I manage to install them using “The Hard Way” from the wiki.
Now I want to do a system update including a Kernel update. When the update is finished the system is rebooting to a tty console. From there I didn’t manage to get the Nvidia driver to run again (tried to reinstall the Nvidia*.run file without success). I saved my system by rerolling to a snapshot.

Now the problem:
I really want to update my system. I thought of uninstalling the Nvidia driver in the first place.
So I started with nomodeset 3 and tried sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-550.54.14.run --uninstall. The installer starts but greets me with the Message: There is no NVIDIA driver currently installed.

I do not know what to try and really hope somebody can give me a hand.

Thx in advance!

is there any error posted when you run the run file?

things like gcc NEED to be the system default and the kernel-devel MUST be installed

First of all, thx for the answer.

I am not sure if I can answer correctly, cause it is some time ago i tried that. If I remember correctly it failed to build the kernel. The NVIDIA installer then aborts.

Also tried installing NVIDIA drivers via YaST after adding NVIDIA repo again (somehow it vanished). The installation seems to be a success but after reboot i am ending again in tty. nvidia-smi “has failed because it couldn’t communicate with the
NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and