Unable to send files from Kdeconnect on phone to pc

Hi everyone

When I try to send files from my phone to my pc using kdeconnect, I immediately receive the notification on my phone that it was not possible to send the file and the notification tray on kde keeps waiting the file to be received until it times out.

I CAN send files from pc to phone, and all other features of kdeconnect works - except for phone browsing, but I can deal with it.
Obviously firewall ports are open (1714-1764 tcp/udp).

These are the messages on my pc log:
kdeconnectd[3590]: kdeconnect.core: TCP connection done (i’m the existing device)
kdeconnectd[3590]: kdeconnect.core: Starting server ssl (I’m the client TCP socket)
kdeconnectd[3590]: kdeconnect.core: TCP connection done (i’m the existing device)
kdeconnectd[3590]: kdeconnect.core: Starting server ssl (I’m the client TCP socket)
kdeconnectd[3590]: kdeconnect.core: TCP connection done (i’m the existing device)
kdeconnectd[3590]: kdeconnect.core: Starting server ssl (I’m the client TCP socket)
kdeconnectd[3590]: kdeconnect.core: TCP connection done (i’m the existing device)
kdeconnectd[3590]: kdeconnect.core: Starting server ssl (I’m the client TCP socket)
kdeconnectd[3590]: kdeconnect.core: Socket succesfully stablished an SSL connection
kdeconnectd[3590]: kdeconnect.core: It is a known device “asus”
kdeconnectd[3590]: kdeconnect.core: Socket succesfully stablished an SSL connection
kdeconnectd[3590]: kdeconnect.core: It is a known device “asus”
kdeconnectd[3590]: kdeconnect.core: Socket succesfully stablished an SSL connection
kdeconnectd[3590]: kdeconnect.core: It is a known device “asus”
kdeconnectd[3590]: kdeconnect.core: Socket succesfully stablished an SSL connection
kdeconnectd[3590]: kdeconnect.core: It is a known device “asus”
kdeconnectd[3590]: kdeconnect.plugin.share: File transfer
kdeconnectd[3590]: kdeconnect.core: FileTransferJob Downloading payload to QUrl(“file:///home/marcelo/As-aventuras-de-Maria-A-trupe-dos-bichos-Modificado-1.docx”) size: 45693
plasmashell[3580]: Could not find service for job “Job 17” with app name “org.kde.kdeconnectd”

My pc is running updated LEAP 15.0, with KDE
Kdeconnect version is kdeconnect-kde-1.3.3-lp150.2.3.1.x86_64

My phone is a Zenfone 5 with android Pie
Kdeconnect app version is 1.12.7 with all request permissions granted.

Does anybody have a clue on how to fix this phone to pc transfer problem?

That kind of error is typically a coding error.

Please submit a bug report to https://bugzilla.opensuse.org
Inlcude your logfiel
It will probably be useful to include the application version numbers on both the phone and your pc.
And, it would be useful to know if you’re using only the main OSS repository or any KDE repositories on your system (You can do a “zypper lr -d” to display your repos)

Have you tried simply updating your machine?
Could be that your app components have become inconsistent, should be resolvable by updating your system.

Run the following command in an elevated console

zypper update


Thanks for the response!

As I said before, my system is fully updated and I avoid mixing libraries from different repositories.
I will open a bug report :slight_smile:

In the meantime I discovered two work arounds:

  • I’ve managed to make phone browsing (and copy, paste, move, etc) work on dolphin. You just have to specify every folder that you want to share in the kdeconnect app on the phone. When you are paired with your pc, acess plugin configuration on the app menu, and then configure each folder you want to access in File System Expose.

  • The android app “AndFTP” can send and receive files and navigate in your pc filesystem if you have a running ssh server in your pc. Just configure the ssh connection on the app and AndFTP option becomes available in the share file options on android.

You may have been hit by this: KDEconnect on the phone blocking access. Check the permissions in there and set your phone’s storage to browsable,