Unable to create new user with YaST

Immediately after booting up I went to YaST/Users and Groups… It went through all the checks and then aborted. I then went to VT and typed sudo tail -f /var/log/YaST2/y2log and here is the result:

2017-09-13 09:59:09 <1> localhost(2466) [Perl] modules/UsersPlugins.pm(UsersPlugins::Read):66 Available plugin: UsersPluginLDAPShadowAccount
2017-09-13 09:59:09 <1> localhost(2466) [Perl] modules/UsersPlugins.pm(UsersPlugins::Read):66 Available plugin: UsersPluginQuota
2017-09-13 09:59:10 <2> localhost(2466) [Ruby] yast/builtins.rb:586 tostring builtin called on wrong type Class
2017-09-13 09:59:10 <3> localhost(2466) [Ruby] modules/Sequencer.rb:265 sequencer: Returned value not symbol: #<Class:0x92cfc64>
2017-09-13 09:59:10 <3> localhost(2466) [Ruby] modules/Sequencer.rb:337 sequencer: Invalid ret: nil
2017-09-13 09:59:10 <1> localhost(2466) [Ruby] clients/users.rb:347 Users module finished with false
2017-09-13 09:59:10 <1> localhost(2466) [Ruby] clients/users.rb:348 ----------------------------------------
2017-09-13 09:59:10 <1> localhost(2466) [Interpreter] bin/y2start:56 Called YaST client returned.
2017-09-13 09:59:10 <1> localhost(2466) [Y2Ruby] binary/YRuby.cc(~YRuby):117 Shutting down ruby interpreter.
2017-09-13 09:59:10 <1> localhost(2466) [Y2Perl] YPerl.cc(destroy):164 Shutting down embedded Perl interpreter.

I followed this with yast in VT and again tried to create a new user but it aborted . I then repeated the tail… command and here is the output:

2017-09-13 10:04:19 <1> localhost(5229) [Y2Ruby] binary/YRuby.cc(~YRuby):117 Shutting down ruby interpreter.
2017-09-13 10:04:19 <1> localhost(5229) [Y2Perl] YPerl.cc(destroy):164 Shutting down embedded Perl interpreter.
2017-09-13 10:04:22 <1> localhost(4695) [ncurses] NCurses.cc(RedirectToLog):565 isatty(stderr)yes
2017-09-13 10:04:22 <1> localhost(4695) [ncurses] NCurses.cc(RedirectToLog):574 isatty(stdout)yes
2017-09-13 10:04:22 <1> localhost(4695) [Ruby] clients/menu.rb:303 Got 0 from /sbin/yast users >&2
2017-09-13 10:04:37 <1> localhost(4695) [Interpreter] bin/y2start:56 Called YaST client returned.
2017-09-13 10:04:37 <1> localhost(4695) [ncurses] YNCursesUI.cc(~YNCursesUI):113 Stop YNCursesUI
2017-09-13 10:04:37 <1> localhost(4695) [ncurses] NCurses.cc(~NCurses):145 Shutdown NCurses…
2017-09-13 10:04:37 <1> localhost(4695) [ncurses] NCurses.cc(~NCurses):164 NCurses down
2017-09-13 10:04:37 <1> localhost(4695) [Y2Ruby] binary/YRuby.cc(~YRuby):117 Shutting down ruby interpreter.

All the other YaST functions seem to work. Help would be appreciated,

There’s a bug report here that might be related to your problem:
At least the attached log file contains this line, same as yours:

[Ruby] yast/builtins.rb:586 tostring builtin called on wrong type Class

Thank you for spotting that. I will keep an eye on that thread. I recently upgraded to the 32-bit version of Tumbleweed from 13.2. I am wondering if it would be safe to reinstall some of the yast modules from YaST.

You mean installing the 13.2 versions?

It might work, this was already ported to ruby in 13.2.
I have no idea whether there were other incompatible changes in YaST (or the ruby bindings) though.

In short, try it, it can’t be worse than now… :wink:
If it doesn’t help, you can still reinstall the Tumbleweed version anyway.

But just a word of warning: DO NOT add the 13.2 repo to your Tumbleweed system. Download the yast2-users rpm package and install it manually with rpm.
It’s possible to directly specify an URL to rpm, so this should work e.g.:

sudo rpm -Uvh --oldpackage http://ftp5.gwdg.de/pub/opensuse/discontinued/update/13.2/i586/yast2-users-

I have run the code you suggested but it failed because it required a dependency (an older version of what I already had)… My TW version is 20170904 32-bit… I have now reinstalled yast2-users via YaST from the current repos and it went through smoothly but still Users continues to abort. I’ll try again from a fresh boot in the morning… Perhaps it needs yast-clients as well.

And what exactly?
I don’t see any strict version dependencies in the package…

My TW version is 20170904 32-bit… I have now reinstalled yast2-users via YaST from the current repos and it went through smoothly but still Users continues to abort. I’ll try again from a fresh boot in the morning… Perhaps it needs yast-clients as well.

I wouldn’t expect a reinstallation of the (some) package(s) to fix anything.

And the crash is likely not fixed yet as the bug report is still open and waiting for more information from the reporter.

So it really is a bug, the last place I expected to find one. .Yes, best to find out the outcome of the bug report.
Here is the result of trying to install the 13.2 version::

ocalhost:~ # sudo rpm -Uvh --oldpackage http://ftp5.gwdg.de/pub/opensuse/discontinued/update/13.2/i586/yast2-users-
Retrieving http://ftp5.gwdg.de/pub/opensuse/discontinued/update/13.2/i586/yast2-users-
error: Failed dependencies:
yast2-users >= 3.2.8 is needed by (installed) yast2-installation-3.3.5-1.1.noarch

Am unable to replicate the bug, YaST Users & Groups works fine for me.

Updated a few days ago to TW version 20170913.
Just did another “zypper dup” which indicates nothing new since approx Sept 14 (IIRC that was the day this system was upgraded).

You can verify your TW version with

cat /etc/os-release


How did you update/upgrade your TW install? If ‘zypper up’ is used instead of the documented ‘zypper dup’ ( TW is released over and over again, on every update ) you would be #X today with this kind of issues.

Have just upgraded from 20170904 to 20170913 with zypper dup and all the necessary precursors. All went smoothly but still same problem with User s and Groups. Await outcome of bug report.