Unable to boot 12.3...

Unable to install 12.3 on an external USB 3.0 driven Seagate 3.0 Tb hard drive. I have a Gateway DX4300 with windoze 7 installed internally. My intent is to have a dual-capability instrument by installing Open Suse 12.3 on the external drive of this Gateway DX4300. So far, the installation of 12.3 on the external Seagate 3.0 Tb HD proceeds well and finishes but does not boot. For testing purposes, I installed Opensuse 12.3 on an external USB 2.0, 40 Gb hard drive with good success and boots well. The Seagate external drv is delivered to the customer with a software “Dashboard” as a windoze application on a 200 Mb NTFS partition. This Seagate external drive is obviously meant for NTFS environments. Question: Is Open Suse 12.3 unable to handle such a large external component? The internal hard drive that contains MSNT 6.1 is isolated from the system during installation by unplugging the SATA cables. So, all the new installation of OpenSuse 12.3 sees is the DVD and the external drive.


Maybe try plugging the drive into a USB2 port instead of a USB3 port.

There have been some problems reported with accessing USB3 drives, perhaps depending on kernel version.

Problem exists with all of the USB ports. Running the newest kernel.

System is obsolete from Gateway, however just discovered the unit has only USB 2.0 ports. Problem solved.

What format are you using? MBR or GPT.

MBR might have problems with 3T drives

On 2013-10-15 22:36, atpmel wrote:
> Question: Is Open Suse 12.3 unable to handle such a large
> external component?

No, and even bigger. That’s not the problem. But you need GPT
partitioning and UEFI instead of BIOS. I know nothing about that
dashboard app, that could be a problem.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4, with Evergreen, x86_64 “Celadon” (Minas Tirith))