Ugh KDE 4.4 is going to be ****

Well despite the various bug reports I filed KDE 4.4 looks to be a mess.
With the issues with nepomuk I have, plus the new widget loader issues KDE 4.4 is a mess.
It still feels like a friggin beta, its a major step backwards compared to 4.3
I guess I will stick with 4.3 or use Gnome, KDE 4.4 is a mess in the making.
Its slow, its buggy, its ****

I recently scrapped my ~/.kde4 folder and started again. It took me about 20 minutes and everything worked well.
I updated today and so far have no problems.

TaraIkeda wrote:
> It still feels like a friggin beta

which is what it is…imo the developers were bored with stable old
KDE3 and needed a project, so they decided to see how long they could
fiddle as Rome burns…

written on solid, usable, fancy enough to meet my needs KDE3.5.7


TaraIkeda <> writes:

> Well despite the various bug reports I filed KDE 4.4 looks to be a
> mess.
> With the issues with nepomuk I have, plus the new widget loader issues
> KDE 4.4 is a mess.
> It still feels like a friggin beta, its a major step backwards compared
> to 4.3
> I guess I will stick with 4.3 or use Gnome, KDE 4.4 is a mess in the
> making.
> Its slow, its buggy, its ****

I am currently using KDE4.3.4. As I need my KDE laptop to work properly
for university, I haven’t been able to install KDE4.4 yet, but from what
I have seen and heard, there are a lot of new features in KDE4.4, and
some of them seem really good.

If you take into account the fact that KDE4.4 is intriducing new
features, and the final release date isn’t until February, I would
expect there to be plenty of bugs, but I like the direction KDE4 is
going in and hopefully it won’t be long before KDE4.4 is stable enough
for me to use.

Barry Nichols

On Sunday 24 Jan 2010 23:06, peteh100 scribbled:

> I recently scrapped my ~/.kde4 folder and started again. It took me
> about 20 minutes and everything worked well.
> I updated today and so far have no problems.

That’s OK for anyone with nothing useful stored in their .kde4 file. I’ve
had to do this several times before - usually in order to get Kontact
working after an upgrade - and it’s taken a darn sight longer than 20
minutes to identify and restore all the data I needed from the old file.

Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks., UK. E-mail: newsman not newsboy
“I wear the cheese. It does not wear me.”

I was having desktop problems and on creating the new ~/.kde4 I just copied the appropriate Kontact files over. It was probably less than 20 mins when I think about it.

lol, I reckon should invest some money and buy a big batch of A.D.D pills for the devs! Maybe then they could concentrate a little.

Although at least they got the name right -

** KDE Software Compilation 4.4 RC1 Out Now: Codename “Schizophrenia” **

 ** KDE Ships First Release Candidate of New 4.4 Desktop, Applications and Development Platform with free 3d-glasses and coupons for Anti Deficit Disorder pills. **

On Monday 25 Jan 2010 09:16, peteh100 scribbled:

> I was having desktop problems and on creating the new ~/.kde4 I just
> copied the appropriate Kontact files over. It was probably less than 20
> mins when I think about it.

Yes, that’s not so bad. My past problems were with Kontact and I had to know
exactly which files to copy and which not to. Took a lot of trial and error

  • mostly error - especially in the KDE3 to KDE4 switch when Kontact carried
    on using KDE3 files that I’d renamed and/or dumped to the wastebin!

Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks., UK. E-mail: newsman not newsboy
“I wear the cheese. It does not wear me.”

Graham P Davis wrote:
> That’s OK for anyone with nothing useful stored in their .kde4 file.

wait, you are not actually trying to use KDE4.4 on a production
system, are you?


To avoid a monthly returning dispute, follow the rules/suggestions from Test KDE4 beta’s, RC’s etc. on a clean setup, DO NOT USE FOR PRODUCTION SYSTEMS. Stick to what you say you did, and file more bugreports. Or don’t even try the beta’s.

The Aero snap clone is brilliant, though it’s a shame it came at the cost of maxmized window dragging (only possible on multi-monitor setups) as the devs seem to think it’s easy enough to drag it to the top of the screen the maximize it… which is the same less than optimal thing I’m used to from win7 :wink:

On Monday 25 Jan 2010 12:38, palladium scribbled:

> Graham P Davis wrote:
>> That’s OK for anyone with nothing useful stored in their .kde4 file.
> wait, you are not actually trying to use KDE4.4 on a production
> system, are you?

At my time of life and level of unfitness, this is the closest I can get to
extreme sports. :wink:

In any case, some bugs don’t show up until you use a system for real. Of
course, backups become even more important.

Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks., UK. E-mail: newsman not newsboy
“I wear the cheese. It does not wear me.”

Au contraire, mon ami - my experiences with Kde 4.4 RC1 (and now RC2) have been very favourable so far, and I didn’t even touch my ~/.kde4 :slight_smile:
Only thing I had to do was to delete and recreate my panel anew, which was quickly done.
Other than that, it’s running very stable and all here, and brings many new useful features.

Running full-time for a couple of days now. No crashes, on completely original ~/kde4.