two problems

I am unable to manipulate the size and position of widgets on the desktop. Has anyone figured out how to do that? Also, when try to bring back the system after suspending it, it hangs. I have a 9GIB swap partition, and so that should not be the source of the problem.

Click on the widget and hold the mouse button for a second or so, then the “toolbar handle” will appear that let’s you move/resize/rotate and close the widget.

This can be changed back to the old behavior (handle appearing on mouse hover) via “Configure Desktop” (in the toolbox menu in the top-left corner or the desktop’s right-click contect menu, not the “Configure Desktop” application menu entry)->Tweaks.

Also, when try to bring back the system after suspending it, it hangs. I have a 9GIB swap partition, and so that should not be the source of the problem.

Suspending doesn’t even use the swap.

It’s likely some hardware or driver problem.

And while you are getting help in the meantime, please consider the following:

a) having a title saying "“two problems” (in a forum that is dedicated to problems) does not provide any information to those that glance through the titles of new threads to see if there is a subject where they can help. People that have a limited amount of free time, may simply skip (not open) your thread because the titles of others threads are more interesting.

b) take the trouble to start a thread for each of your problems. This is of course partly related to a) above, because you then can make to good telling titles to draw the attention of the people that might be able to help you with the different problems. But having more problems in one thread will almost unavoidavble lead to a confusing discussion in the posts that follow. Which post has answers/reactions about what problem? Again a reason for many to avoid reading the thread.

Thank you.