Two aberrations to shutdown after fglrx install.

Since I got fglrx working under 11.2 (finally) I’ve had another problem pop up, with two different aspects to it.

First, when I issue a shutdown command through software (KDE usually) the system goes through its usual shutdown process but hangs at the end. It states that the system will be halted and my drives do spin down, but the system does not halt. The video output remains unchanged and the system doesn’t power down.

Conversely if I hit the power switch on the case, which until now brought up the KDE shutdown dialogue, the system immediately powers down with no software shutdown before doing so.

As I say, this started after installing the proprietary driver for my AMD/ATI video card.

I’ve no idea what logs might be relevant to this. If log content is needed before anyone can help me figure this out (which I’d appreciate) then please let me know which logs and preferably, for my ease compliance, where to find them.

Okay, I’ve figured out that acpid is being skipped. In fact, the grub menu has acpi=off.

I switched it back on and boot hung in the first stages.

Anyone happen to know why this would be?