TW snapshots 2018-06-26 breaks device mapper

Dear All,

after zypper dup from a previous snapshot, TW is stuck booting since it cannot load the root directory. More specifically, it outputs that a start job is running for disk/by-id… The disk id is correct.

Upon closer inspection, there is a brief error message visible, stating “device-mapper: table 254:0 multipath: error getting device”

My disk setup is straight forward, using a single disk with btrfs and xfs partition. Not sure why multipath is involved (there is no multipath config in the current system).

Thanks for any pointers


No problems here. However, I have only updated one system to 20180626, and that one is a KVM virtual machine.

I think I did see a strange message on boot. However, I’m using UUID instead of “/dev/disk/by-id”, and perhaps that works better.

Completely up to date here on a laptop and on a server. No such trouble here. Was ‘zypper dup’ used to update?

yup, zypper dup. Goot hear that it worked for others. I’ll try on another machine later this week

Could explain?

Thanks for the link, but I don’t use devicemapper and running “dmsetup ls” confirms that there are no devices managed by dm (or at least that is how I interpret it).



to the grub kernel options solves the problem

nompath means no multipath, for everyone else.