Tumbleweed + Plasma 6: the "get new" buttons don't do anything


I wanted to try out OpenSUSE in a live environment. Unfortunately, after downloading the latest LiveCD image from here, I noticed I can’t download any global themes, application styles, GTK themes - really anything KDE Store related.

By this I mean the “Get new” buttons that should open up the windows for browsing and installing new themes, app styles, etc. do not work. Pressing any such button doesn’t do anything - no window opens up and no error shows up on screen.

According to this 3-day old Reddit post, other people are having the same issue even on fresh installs.

I’ve looked this up on online but found no solutions. I noticed there’s a history of OpenSUSE forum threads where people have similar issues, but there was no solution, other than to download things from the KDE Store website. But that’s a workaround, not a solution.

I’ve tried updating my LiveCD image with zypper dup. I’ve also tried both Plasma X11 and Wayland sessions. None of these things work.

Right now, I’m writing from my current OS, Arch with Plasma 6. The “Get new” buttons work as expected.

Do you have any recommendations for fixing this issue? I’m considering switching to TW but this is an important hindrance for me.

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It may help to read what the live images are intended for and what the limitations are. It is noted on the download page:

Please be aware of the following limitations of the live images:

  • They should not be used to install or upgrade. Please use the installation media instead
  • They have a limited package and driver selection, so cannot be considered an accurate reflection as to whether the distribution will work on your hardware or not
  • Kernel and initrd can’t be updated, so they shouldn’t be used as a persistent installation

This is not a live image only issue.
I have done a fresh install onto my system from full install ISO and am experiencing the same issue.

Not the end of the world, I expect niggles with rolling release plus early days of Plasma 6. To be honest I’m surprised we have seen very little issues unlike previous major plasma upgrades.

Was thinking of trying an install via the net rather than off usb stick. Shouldn’t make a difference but you never know until you try :grin:




Done a bit more digging, seems it’s only the buttons to do with wallpapers and appearance that are not working.
Things like wallpaper plug-ins, download new services and get new fonts are OK.
Anyway, I’m sure things will be resolved before too long.

On a live you shouldn’t install anything, but you can still use Discover to install icons, themes, etc.

I think people are getting bogged down in me using a live image.

The issue is not specific to live images. As others have pointed out, it happens on fresh installs too.

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Update: after reading through this, maybe this is an issue with Qt 6.7. Not really sure what this means for people looking to install OpenSUSE. Should we wait for them to put out a hotfix that makes it into OpenSUSE?

…I’ve noticed this issue too, however as I’ve written before you can use Discover to install global themes and everything else.
Or you can go directly to the kde store with your browser and install or download them from there.
To install them from the browser, simply install this package ocs-url - linux-apps.com


Yeah this seems more of a general issue atm. I see same thing with systemsettings when run from cli. Not sure if any of this is actually relevant but is the output when I click

qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/newstuff/Page.qml:454:5: QML DownloadItemsSheet: Binding loop detected for property “implicitHeight”
qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/newstuff/Page.qml:454:5: QML DownloadItemsSheet: Binding loop detected for property “implicitHeight”
qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/newstuff/Page.qml:454:5: QML DownloadItemsSheet: Binding loop detected for property “implicitHeight”
qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/newstuff/Page.qml:454:5: QML DownloadItemsSheet: Binding loop detected for property “implicitHeight”
qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/newstuff/Page.qml:454:5: QML DownloadItemsSheet: Binding loop detected for property “implicitHeight”
qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/newstuff/Action.qml:122:68: QML Connections: Detected function “onInitialized” in Connections element. This is probably intended to be a signal handler but no signal of the target matches the name.

Probably one of us should report it… :slight_smile:

Thanks for the pointers. I must admit to forgetting about Discover as I rarely use it.

Buttons now working after today’s major update. :smiley:

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