Tumbleweed ISO questions

So, with the 2014-11-12 snapshot, there are finally Tumbleweed ISOs instead of the Factory ones (yay!!)

However, I went to a new install with one, and it still installs the old Factory repo setup, requiring intervention to setup the correct repos. Does anyone know when the changes will be made to actually have that on a fresh install?

Also, I noticed the Update repo (the one used to get immediate patches to Factory out even if snapshot is delayed, like for shellshock) is not included in the instructions. http://download.opensuse.org/update/factory/ Don’t we still need that one as well in the repo setup so any critical security updates (or a Tumbleweed version)?

Also, why is the debug repo enabled by default versus how it was in Factory?

I’m very glad this change is happening, as it clears it up in the long run. I just wish they were doing it in a more coherent or all-at-once fashion.

That’s a name change.

However, I went to a new install with one, and it still installs the old Factory repo setup, requiring intervention to setup the correct repos. Does anyone know when the changes will be made to actually have that on a fresh install?

I don’t know. But I expect this has to do with the testing environment at OpenQA. That probably has to be changed to match.

A cosmetic change to avoid complaints? Just a guess. By the latest, when those Factory repos are withdrawn (April/May 2015?) or before.

Also, I noticed the Update repo (the one used to get immediate patches to Factory out even if snapshot is delayed, like for shellshock) is not included in the instructions. http://download.opensuse.org/update/factory/ Don’t we still need that one as well in the repo setup so any critical security updates (or a Tumbleweed version)?

The last I heard: they would release details if and when it was needed on the first of those rare occasions (shellshock?).

Also, why is the debug repo enabled by default versus how it was in Factory?

Pass. I just disabled it.

I just wish they were doing it in a more coherent or all-at-once fashion.

The announcement was necessary, coinciding with 13.2 release, to clear up uncertainty about Tumbleweed’s future beyond that point. However, IIRC they were clear that some implementation work still needed to be done.

Anyway, I was under the impression that “new” Tumbleweed installs would be done first with 13.2 and its media, followed by zypper dup to new Tumbleweed.

Shellshock is/was the bash vulnerability from 1-2 months ago. There was a problem because Factory users weren’t getting updated because the snapshot was being help for a while because of some booting issues. So, even though the bug had been fixed, it wasn’t rolling out to people. So they made the Update repo so that they could get out critical fixes that circumvented the full openQA route. Which is a good idea. Currently it’s empty not that everything has gown on through. However, there hasn’t been an equivalent setup for Tumbleweed, which still has the need since packages can still get held up due to the snapshot failing.

That’s the old Tumbleweed – start with the base then upgrade. The new Tumbleweed is being considered as an actual product, so the updated media should start you right at up-to-date Tumbleweed, setup correctly for the right repos.

Currently, it does the setup fine, but the repos are still the same as the Factory setup. So “immediate” action is still required to get it setup correctly.

Yes, and inclusion of the update repo(s) should prevent the addition of that bogus repo that’s added every time we update (workaround is to fully disable and not remove).

That’s the old Tumbleweed – start with the base then upgrade. The new Tumbleweed is being considered as an actual product, so the updated media should start you right at up-to-date Tumbleweed, setup correctly for the right repos.

Currently, it does the setup fine, but the repos are still the same as the Factory setup. So “immediate” action is still required to get it setup correctly.

I know that, but I failed to make my point correctly! It seems the announcement was made in haste, for timing reasons. Then implementation gets discussed “on the hoof” in the Factory ML. Tumbleweed wiki instructions are finally clear e.g. “openSUSE Tumbleweed can be installed either by downloading and launching an installation image to start from scratch or by upgrading from a stable release.”

My point was only that current openSUSE users (i.e. not on new Factory or zypper duping from old Tumbleweed) would probably install with 13.2 online, using zypper dup. Yes their will be some newcomers, and those who prefer to clean install (DVD or network CD) or update using DVD.

No, that’s unrelated.

It’s caused by a hack in the package “openSUSE-release” that adds repo-non-oss-update if it doesn’t exist, according to the openSUSE version.
There was a check to not do that when the repo URLs contain “factory”, but since the repo’s names have been changed to “tumbleweed” now that check didn’t work. This should be fixed already in the meantime though.

Ah yes, if he’s after the factory repo, I didn’t check back to the original post :(.

It’s caused by a hack in the package “openSUSE-release” that adds repo-non-oss-update if it doesn’t exist, according to the openSUSE version.
There was a check to not do that when the repo URLs contain “factory”, but since the repo’s names have been changed to “tumbleweed” now that check didn’t work. This should be fixed already in the meantime though.

I’m not on Tw at the moment so can’t check. I’m sure I didn’t get this problem on first duping from 13.2 > Tumbleweed with “tumbleweed” in the URL. When I did the most recent update, I then received the bogus non-oss update repo, plus I fleetingly saw a message saying it couldn’t create one which at the time I thought referred to an attempt to add “oss update”. Any comment on that?

He is after the standard update repo, but what automatically got added again and again is the non-oss update repo.

I’m not on Tw at the moment so can’t check.

There was a mail on the Factory mailinglist, and the change is in the package on OBS.
I’m not sure whether it’s published yet, though. But it should not get added any more, when the next updates appear.

I’m sure I didn’t get this problem on first duping from 13.2 > Tumbleweed with “tumbleweed” in the URL. When I did the most recent update, I then received the bogus non-oss update repo, plus I fleetingly saw a message saying it couldn’t create one which at the time I thought referred to an attempt to add “oss update”. Any comment on that?

That hack has been added to openSUSE-release years ago (when the additional non-oss-update repo was new), to make sure people have this repo when upgrading there system.
There should not be any message though, as the package script just creates a .repo file in /etc/zypp/repos.d/ with “cat >xxx”.

Without more details about the message you mentioned, I have no idea what this could have been about.

But there is no specific tumbleweed update repo at the moment, and I’m not aware that anything would try to add it to your system. You could use the Factory one of course (which btw. is just a redirect to openSUSE:Factory:Update) but it’s empty anyway as mentioned.

Fine, but that’s not what I couldn’t check. It was in the following sentences in the same paragraph! So not being on Tumbleweed, I couldn’t check the details about the message etc., you refer to in:

I don’t need one as I’m happy to wait for the promised announcement, as I said before if and when it’s created to contain urgent fixes.