Tumbleweed is Host. Failed to install Ubuntu 24.04 into virt-manager

Running Tumbleweed on an AMD Ryzen laptop w 40GB ram. I tried and failed to install Ubuntu 24.04 into virt-manager. All the error screenshots and details are in the attached image.
Any way to fix this?

It looks like a network issue.

I have always used a bridged network with virt-manager, so I have no experience with configuring a NAT network. Hopefully somebody else can help with that.

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What happens when you click on “Yes”?

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What happened after I clicked on “Yes” is shown in the image right below and the error text below that.

Any way to fix this?

Please, show the output of this: systemctl status libvirtd
Also, describe all the steps that you take since the installation of libvirt, including how you installed it.
Attach the output of sudo journalctl -b
You can use https://paste.opensuse.org

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Show this one too systemctl status virtnetworkd

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OK, both outputs are at the paste url. Can you see them? The 2nd output was hundreds of lines.

What is libvirt? I don’t remember installing it. Should I install it? How can I tell if it’s already installed?

This output is at the paste url and below.

advait@localhost:~> systemctl status virtnetworkd
○ virtnetworkd.service - libvirt network daemon
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/virtnetworkd.service; disabled; preset: disabled)
     Active: inactive (dead)
TriggeredBy: ● virtnetworkd-admin.socket
             ● virtnetworkd.socket
             ● virtnetworkd-ro.socket
       Docs: man:virtnetworkd(8)

No, since you didn’t provide the address to them.

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Libvirt is collection of software that provides a convenient way to manage virtual machines and other virtualization functionality, such as storage and network interface management.

zypper search libvirt
YaST also produces similar results.

How did you installed virtualization in your system? Have you followed any guide?

Remember to capture this log right after reproducing the error. sudo journalctl -b --no-hostname --no-pager

Show the output of these three also:

nmcli device
sudo virsh net-list --all --name | xargs sudo virsh net-dumpxml
systemctl list-unit-files --no-pager
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Here they are. openSUSE Paste

Any way to fix the issue?

Output here: openSUSE Paste

I don’t remember any details of how I installed qemu/virt-manager.

Here it is openSUSE Paste

Sure, here it is openSUSE Paste

Please, show the output of ip address

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Sure, here it is openSUSE Paste

Gives any clues on how to fix the problem?

Show the error window that is behind this other error window.
And run the following command right after the screenshot: sudo journalctl -b --no-hostname --no-pager --all | susepaste -e 151200

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That error text is in the original image I posted. At the bottom.